Affronter la saison des rhumes et grippes

Face the cold and flu season

We generally have a season that we prefer above all others. Some prefer long, warm summer days, while others give preference to the icy beauty of a winter evening. You may love spring, the season of renewal, or fall with flavors of pumpkin and spice. Whatever season appeals to you the most, chances are it's not cold and flu season.

The cold and flu season tends to appear, accompanied by its attendant fever and cough, between the months of October and May, and is in full swing between December and February. Both colds and flus are respiratory conditions, but they are caused by different viruses. Cold symptoms are generally milder than those of the flu, which are more intense.

Here are some indications to differentiate them:

Common cold

Cold symptoms develop within 48 hours and include congestion or runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing and coughing.

Symptoms last 3 to 10 days.


Symptoms come on quickly and include fever, chills, body aches, weakness and fatigue.

Symptoms can last several hours or days, sometimes even up to three weeks.

To stay far away from it!

SISU offers natural options to strengthen your immune system before cold and flu season. Additionally, if you have already caught a cold or flu, we also offer products that help reduce the severity and duration of their symptoms. Here are some of our favorites:

Ester-C® 1000 mg

Ester-C® is a patented form of calcium ascorbate that is more bioavailable and gentler on the stomach than regular vitamin C. These high potency botanical tablets are enhanced with 200 mg of citrus bioflavonoids to help strengthen your immune system.

Formula also available for children.

Cold and Flu Relief with Ester-C®

A natural alternative, Cold & Flu Relief consists of non-acidic Ester-C®, andrographis, an anti-inflammatory herb, N-acetyl-L-cysteine ​​(NAC) and echinacea to provide relief without effects undesirable secondary effects. Also available in children's formula.

NAC 600 mg

N-acetyl-L-cysteine ​​or NAC helps increase glutathione levels in the body to protect the lungs against respiratory conditions. It can help reduce symptoms of respiratory infection and reduce the frequency of attacks of chronic bronchitis.

Zinc tablets

Naturally sweetened and featuring a delicious lemon-lime flavor, these zinc lozenges support immune health to help improve the body's resistance to infection. These lozenges are a convenient option throughout the cold and flu season. They can also be taken all year round to enhance the radiance of the skin and the strength of the hair and nails.

Go further to protect yourself

Other proven methods of protecting yourself against colds and flu include staying hydrated, getting enough rest, and humidifying the air using a vaporizer or humidifier. And don't forget to wash your hands and sneeze into the crook of your elbow. But you already know that!

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