Et si on renouait avec l’amertume ?

What if we reconnected with bitterness?

With the return of cold weather, we tend to eat hotter. Our bitter vegetable salads therefore take the side to the detriment of our digestive functions.

The waterfall of bitterness

Indeed, the detection of bitterness on the tongue triggers a cascade of digestive secretions. First, the stomach secretes its gastric juices. Then the pancreas goes in with its pancreatic juices. Then the gallbladder contracts and releases bile. Unless you're a fan of artichokes and Brussels sprouts, it becomes more dietary restrictive to eat a variety of bitter vegetables every day!

A bitter plant tonic

Considering the increase in digestive disorders (reflux, fullness, bloating, flatulence, etc.), incorporating a liquid formula with a bitter taste can be effective in providing rapid relief before or after a meal. However, the Flora company has been offering the Gallexier product for many years. It is a European tonic made up of different bitter plants known for their digestive properties.


In this tonic, you will find large quantities of artichoke, dandelion and gentian. Well studied and renowned for their actions on digestive and hepatic functions, these plants are found in the majority of formulas on the market except for gentian. Indeed, gentian deserves to be known since it contains biochemical compounds with anti-inflammatory, appetizing, digestive and hepatoprotective properties (1).


Also, it contains yarrow, turmeric and ginger. Perhaps you are less familiar with yarrow? This is another beautiful bitter herb with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing properties beneficial for many digestive disorders. As for turmeric and ginger, in addition to supporting digestive and liver functions, they help reduce inflammation of the digestive tract.

Blessed thistle and menyanthe

In addition, it contains blessed thistle and menyanthe. These stimulate the appetite, promote the secretion of digestive juices while supporting daily elimination. In addition, menyanthe contains compounds with an anti-inflammatory action which combines well with turmeric and ginger.

A pleasant taste!

Finally, what distinguishes the Gallexier product is its alcohol-free formula as well as its combination with equally digestive aromatic plants. Chamomile, fennel, bitter orange peel and cardamom balance the taste on the palate for a rather light and tasty finish. No need to grimace anymore to enjoy the benefits of bitterness thanks to Gallexier tonic!

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