Le grand saut vers les cosmétiques naturels

The big leap towards natural cosmetics

The big leap towards natural cosmetics: a smooth transition!

Natural cosmetics and conventional cosmetics are two completely different worlds. Making the transition from one to the other requires support and patience. Know that it is entirely possible though and that in the end you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner!

Why go for natural cosmetics?

Natural cosmetic products have a lot to offer. For the most part, these are products made with ingredients recognized by our body and familiar. If the body recognizes the ingredients, it will be able to use them properly.

In addition to nourishing your skin, natural cosmetics are a more ecological alternative due to the ingredients used. For example, a natural shampoo or shower gel is usually completely biodegradable. Also, several companies do not test on animals and try to reduce their packaging as much as possible, especially when it comes to plastic.

However, it is important to be well informed and to obtain your natural products from a trusted store that knows this type of product. Many cosmetic companies try to pass off their products as natural when they contain ingredients that are harmful to your health.

One step at a time

Now that you're considering making the leap to natural cosmetics, you're probably tempted to snoop around in specialty stores. Be warned, it’s different! Don't be impressed by what you see. Gradually, you will learn to wade in it and you will become a pro. Ask questions to the biocosmeticians, they are there to help you. The Internet can also be a good place to learn. Multiple sites and blogs explain in detail what you should look for or what you should avoid. Develop your own opinion and learn to make choices that suit you.

5 tips for making a gradual, but above all sustainable, transition.

1- Don’t waste your conventional products

One of the primary values ​​of a great biocosmetics company is respect for the environment. Even if you're ready to make the transition, don't waste your conventional cosmetics. If you're too eager, find another taker. But before you give it your all, finish reading this article!

2- Take inspiration from what you already have

Analyze the products you use to identify what you like about each one. To make a smoother transition, looking for similarities will be very comforting to you. Although designed differently, conventional cosmetics have active ingredients and sometimes even plant ingredients that could be found in natural products.

If you are not comfortable doing it yourself, take your products to a specialized store and ask for help from a biocosmetician. She will be able to guide you and advise you on the right products.

3- Test before buying

Don't leave with the bottle that seems most appropriate. Instead, leave with several well-identified samples. If possible, try to have enough for about a week. This way, you will be able to test and make your choice on what suits you best. And if you don't like one of them, at least you won't have spent for nothing.

Test only one type of product at a time. For example, don't change your moisturizer, cleanser, and night serum all at once. One type of product at a time is always better in order to see the real effects of the products being tested, whether positive or negative.

4- Don’t be in too much of a hurry

The skin renews itself every 21 days. It is possible that at first your skin will react, but after a while it will be fine. Be careful, if a product gives you real inconveniences such as itching, redness, spots, etc., stop using it. This product may not be suitable for you.

After 3 weeks, you will have a good idea whether the product is right for you or not. After 3 days, you will know if it makes you react.

5- Hold on!

Let's be realistic. Chances are you'll encounter a few pitfalls before finding the product that's best for you. It's normal ! The ingredients of conventional cosmetics and those of natural cosmetics are mostly completely different. This transition requires adaptation to your skin and patience on your part.

If you stick with it, you'll quickly see all the benefits of offering all of nature's best to your skin and body. Know that La Moisson is there for you and our biocosmeticians will be able to provide you with good information and support you throughout your process.

Shop our Natural Cosmetics section from the comfort of your home, simply by clickinghere !

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