Vaincre les allergies saisonnières

Overcoming seasonal allergies

There are natural ways to limit your seasonal allergy symptoms. Sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, headaches, etc. Rediscover the joy of spring!

The melting of the snow, the return of the heat, the good weather... who doesn't love spring?! Ah yes, you who suffer from seasonal allergies ! Did you know that there are approximately one in five people in Quebec who, like you, suffer from seasonal allergies? Unfortunately for you, the summer season can be really long. From tree pollen in April to grasses and ragweed in October, there are plenty of aggressors that will make you sneeze.

However, if nature is to blame for these inconveniences, know that it can also play an important role in relieving your seasonal allergy symptoms .

Defining seasonal allergies

Seasonal allergies are a hypersensitivity or in some way a dysregulation of the immune system. Allergy is therefore an abnormal reaction of the immune system which overreacts to the presence of normally harmless foreign elements called allergens, such as pollen, buds, grass, etc.

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) causes the allergic reaction and allergy symptoms . IgE causes an inflammatory reaction in response to the allergen. The role of IgE is to recognize pathogens and trigger a set of biochemical reactions with the ultimate goal of ridding the body of this invader.

When the cells associated with IgE are activated by the allergen, they increase the level of histamine in the body in order to counter the false attack and neutralize the invader. It is histamine which is responsible for triggering the symptoms observed during the allergic reaction .

General symptoms

If you are allergic, you already know that the symptoms can be intense and are definitely varied. The main symptoms are sneezing and runny nose , coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, redness, swelling of the eyes , itching, inflammation, irritation and tearing .

What to do in case of seasonal allergies?

Generally, in the event of an allergy, it is recommended to avoid the allergen at all costs. In the case of seasonal allergies, it's not as simple... Rather than staying indoors all summer, support your health properly and enjoy the sun.

Support your immunity

As seasonal allergies are an immune reaction, it is best to start with intervention at this level. But be careful, you will have to be faster than the season, that is to say start your protocol several weeks before your first nose tickles .

Several means are available to you, including healthy eating , probiotics, natural formulas to support the immune system , sleep and stress management.

Support your liver

The liver has a big role to play in the allergic reaction, or rather the lack of reaction. In fact, a healthy liver will help you be less reactive . Remember to tolerate it well during, but especially before, allergy season. Liver cures, bitter plants, healthy diets particularly rich in green or bitter vegetables are all excellent avenues to take.

A little antihistamine

As stated above, the allergic reaction is caused by immune hypersensitivity, causing an increase in histamine levels in the body. This is why in the event of an allergy we offer you an antihistamine . But did you know that they also exist in nature and that they are particularly effective?

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. It is advisable to take small doses regularly throughout the day rather than a larger dose once daily. As a bonus, vitamin C is excellent for supporting immunity !

In the diet, we find several fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, for example apples, kiwis, raspberries, blueberries and citrus fruits, as well as peppers, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables. Try to include them in your menu every day.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A will contribute to the health of your mucous membranes , which is essential since the main allergy symptoms generally affect the mucous membranes.

Consider adding carrots, tomatoes, dried apricots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, spinach and watercress to your plate. Each of these foods is rich in beta-carotene , a vitamin A precursor that your body will use to produce its vitamin A.

Opt for herbal teas

Herbal teas have a positive impact on your general health. Whether at the immune, liver or other level, you will certainly find a great benefit in consuming them on a regular basis.

Chamomile and ginger are known to help reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Green tea helps strengthen the immune system and acts as a natural antihistamine. Peppermint helps relieve nasal and sinus congestion.

Don't forget the nettle

Nettle is a very versatile plant that provides many benefits for your health. In cases of seasonal allergies, it is very effective in helping to reduce reactions caused by increased histamine .

Nettle is available as a herbal tea, which you can drink hot or cold, or as a tincture .

What could increase your allergy symptoms

Now that you know what to do, let's move on to what you should avoid, starting with the allergen itself. Without trying to shut yourself away all summer, try not to place yourself in an environment where the allergen is too present . A field of freshly cut hay if you are allergic to hay, for example!

If you are a coffee or tea drinker, try to reduce your consumption. Although these hot drinks may be a great comfort to you, caffeine helps increase histamine levels in your body .

Alcohol, refined sugar, dairy products and certain preservatives should also be avoided as much as possible. Each in their own way, they increase the work of the liver or hinder the immune system.

Avoid smoky atmospheres, excessive fragrances and the use of household cleaning products like air fresheners, all of which can make your symptoms worse.


This article only discusses seasonal allergies. At no time should the reader use these tips to try to avoid or relieve an allergic reaction to food or any other type of allergies.

If severe symptoms or difficulty breathing occur, the reader should consult a healthcare professional.


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La Moisson

Merci ! Je prends des anti histaminiques d’avril à octobre .. bien contente de savoir comment alléger mes désagréments par des produits naturels et simples.


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