family decorating Christmas tree

3 tips for a healthy Holiday season

Christmas is coming soon! The holiday parties may have already started for you. For many people, the festive season is a symbol of rejoicing and good times with family and friends. However, the holiday season is also synonymous with digestive discomfort , fatigue , colds , etc.

While we are well aware of the problem and we tell ourselves that this year we will not get carried away with good food and we will take better care of our health, every time it is the same. We eat, we drink, we have fun, we go to bed too late and then, we digest poorly, we are tired and possibly have a cold. What to do then? Although the obvious answer is to simply be wise and reasonable, sometimes that's just impossible! After all, the holiday season is for having fun and celebrating!

To help you get to January in one piece, La Moisson offers you a multitude of natural products . We have sorted it out for you to present our best suggestions for a joyful holiday season.

1- Watch over your digestion with digestive enzymes

Almost everyone experiences digestive discomfort , unfortunately. For some, they are more frequent, while for others they are only occasional. But in all cases, the principle is the same. We offer food to our digestive system and it struggles to break it up to digest it. The reasons can be numerous: abuse, intolerance, too fatty, too sweet...

Digestion, powered by your digestive enzymes

Digestion of food is possible through the action of digestive enzymes naturally made by your body or offered through supplements. However, if they haven't been invited to the party, they won't be able to help you feel light as a feather after the meal.

More specifically, an enzyme catalyzes (makes possible and accelerates) biochemical reactions, such as digestion. Without enzymes the reactions could take place, but very slowly and not very efficiently. Hence the digestive discomfort. Digestive enzymes are produced, among other things, by the pancreas, which releases them into the intestine during the meal. To provide some support, taking a digestive enzyme supplement could be very lifesaving.

Which digestive enzyme supplement should you choose to help your digestion?

Now that the solution is at hand, all that remains is to choose the right digestive enzyme supplement for you. If a particular food or food group is giving your digestion a hard time, opt for a formula that specifically offers the digestive enzyme that supports the digestion of that food, such as gluten or lactose.

If you don't have any recurring or known problems, try a digestive enzyme supplement that offers a blend of several types instead. This will optimize the digestion of almost everything you eat.

It is important to know that digestive enzyme supplements work on digestion, not allergic reactions. Under no circumstances will a digestive enzyme supplement allow you to consume a food to which you are allergic. In the event of a food allergy, you must of course stay well away from the allergen in question.

Avoid digestive discomfort with natural supplements

To be effective, the digestive enzyme supplement must generally be taken before sitting down to eat, depending on the formula chosen. But let's say you forgot about it. You can avoid disaster with activated charcoal . It won't erase all your excesses, but it will work hard enough to relieve you. In fact, activated charcoal is known for its ability to absorb toxins and uncomfortable intestinal gases left behind by slow digestion. Have it on hand!

To learn more about activated charcoal and how it works, read this article !

2- Support your digestive system after the party

Digestive enzyme supplements are great to use when the time comes. But once the holiday season is over, you need to restart your digestive system and encourage it to resume normal functioning. Returning to good habits, such as healthy eating, getting a good night's sleep and exercising, will help you get back on track. There is, however, a secret to speeding up the process: foods with a bitter flavor. It's the perfect gift to give yourself to support your digestive system and get back to normal faster.

What do bitter foods do to help your digestion?

Foods with a bitter flavor, when taken at the start of a meal, provide unparalleled digestive support. Indeed, they stimulate, among other things, the secretion of digestive enzymes. Thus, digestion will occur at a good pace, allowing good assimilation of nutrients and a feeling of well-being after the meal. About 15 minutes before starting your meal, try bitter greens like arugula or endive, sprouts or fresh sprouts. A shot of apple cider vinegar is also very effective if you tolerate the taste.

If the bitter flavor doesn't turn you on too much, opt for a supplement!

If the idea of ​​opening your meal with the bitter flavor ruins your appetite, don't worry, natural supplements are here! You will find several natural products at La Moisson that will optimize your digestion . Tonics, tinctures, herbal teas, capsules, fibers… no matter the form, the active plants and compounds in these formulas are there because of their ability to support each stage of digestion.

3- A strong immune system to exchange gifts, not germs!

Now that the digestion issue is settled, there remains another major holiday stress factor to consider: avoiding getting sick. Even as an adult, receiving gifts is exciting! But when this gift keeps us bedridden for a few days, it's less fun. Just like Christmas shopping, strengthening your immune system effectively requires a little preparation time.

Support your immunity at the source to avoid getting sick

Vitamin C ,oregano oil , echinacea , vitamin D , immune complexes are all great natural products to help you fight germs. But it's possible to do even more by strengthening your immune system directly from the source. Did you know that 80% of the immune system is located in the intestines, more precisely in the intestinal microbiota?

To take good care of your microbiota and ensure a balanced bacterial population, probiotics remain among the most effective choices. A probiotic contains bacterial strains to help balance your microbiota and thus strengthen your immune system . In addition, a healthy microbiota will positively influence your cognitive functions, your mood and your digestion. It is therefore of capital importance to watch over him, especially as the holiday season approaches.

Which probiotic to choose for your health?

Choosing a probiotic is a bit like choosing the perfect outfit for your Christmas get-togethers. Sometimes you have to try several before finding what works best for your own needs. La Moisson offers you a very varied choice of probiotic supplements . Which one to try?

You can first start by learning about the bacterial strains used and how they are useful. You may be able to pinpoint bacterial families that are similar to some of your symptoms or that meet your needs.

Remember that at any time our naturopaths and health advisors will be happy to help you. Write to us , come see us in store or call us !

What to remember for a healthy holiday season?

When it's party time, consider supporting your digestion with digestive enzymes and have a supply of activated charcoal capsules on hand just in case. We never know !

Once the holiday season is over, boost your digestion and energy with healthy lifestyle habits, including a balanced diet, good sleep and physical exercise. Bitter foods and digestive formulas will also be greatly appreciated by your digestive system to help it digest optimally.

Now, strengthen your immune system with natural supplements known to support immunity. Don't give microbes a chance by also supporting your intestinal microbiota, the seat of immunity, with a probiotic supplement adapted to your needs.

The holiday season is a time for celebration. Take care of your health to enjoy every magical moment. La Moisson is close to you to support you and answer your questions.

From the large La Moisson family, a happy holiday season to you and all your loved ones!

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