7 astuces pour une belle peau d'été

7 tips for beautiful summer skin

7 tips for beautiful summer skin

Summer is fast approaching. Yay!! This year, prepare in advance to give your skin everything it needs to look sparkling throughout the summer. Some of this stuff isn't new. But even if you know them, do you do them? Reminders are a guarantee of better attendance!

1. Cleanliness above all

Make sure your face is always clean to have glowing skin during summer. Dust and sweat tend to clog skin pores and cause skin irritation. Cleanse your face with the appropriate products every morning when you wake up and every evening before bed.

2. Focus on exfoliation

Get rid of the layer of skin damaged by the winter cold with a daily exfoliation routine. Leave an exfoliating mitt in the shower to incorporate this essential habit into your routine. Apply a natural exfoliating product and gently scrub your skin following the instructions on the product package. Rinse off the excess and pat your skin dry.

Do you like to do things yourself? Make your own exfoliant! It's easy, inexpensive and we have all the ingredients you need to make it. Our Beauty Advisors can even advise you on a little homemade recipe in case you run out of inspiration!

3. Advanced care

Once the skin is thoroughly cleansed, take care to the next level by applying a silica solution or gel to the surface. Silica is known for its benefits for the skin. It eliminates defects and imperfections in addition to presenting a multitude of other benefits. Silicon found in silica solutions and gels, like Alterra's Sili-Mer Solution and Sili-Mer Gel , slows the aging process and makes skin appear smoother and healthier.

4. Hydration is key

It is important to rehydrate the skin morning and evening, especially after cleansing or exfoliation. Apply your favorite natural moisturizer liberally. Be sure to choose a moisturizer specifically designed for delicate facial skin.

5. Water, water and more water

In hot weather, the body needs more water to stay hydrated. If your body is lacking water, your skin will certainly feel the effects.

The amount of water to consume per day varies greatly depending on age, body composition, physical activity, etc. Find out about this and adapt your consumption to your own needs.

6. Natural sunscreen, please

There's nothing wrong with getting a little sun in the sun. But it is essential to protect your skin well before going outside. We recommend that you apply a natural sunscreen before any exposure to the sun and repeat if you will be outside for a long time. If you swim, be sure to reapply more often for optimal protection. Sunscreen can help reduce sun spots and even delay the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Although natural sunscreens have a bad reputation among many people, not all of them leave a white film on the skin when applied and not all of them are difficult to spread. Do your tests and ask to try it in store before buying.

7. Skin that breathes

You may be surprised to learn that your clothes can be the cause of a lot of skin problems and irritations. When it's hot, your skin becomes more and more sensitive to the fabrics you wear. So opt for natural fabrics like cotton or linen. Also opt for loose clothing that lets air pass through. By staying covered with suitable clothing, sun protection will be even more effective.

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