La silice un essentiel pour la peau

Silica, an essential for the skin

Silica, an essential for skin, hair, nails, bones, etc. Did you know ?

Where does silica come from?

Silica is a nutrient-rich mineral found in the earth's crust. It is also naturally present in the human body. When we think of silica, we might imagine the sachets of small beads found in shoe boxes and handbags to counteract moisture buildup. But it's so much more than that!

As is the case for many super substances (collagen, hyaluronic acid, etc.), the presence of silica in the body tends to decrease considerably with age. As a result, its rejuvenating effect gradually disappears.

However, silica can be taken from the Earth and transformed into a substance suitable for consumption. From ingestible capsules to topical solutions, gels and creams, silica can provide its benefits in a variety of forms.

The benefits of silica

Maintaining tissue health

Silicon is the essential trace element derived from silica. It is a crucial element for the formation and maintenance of connective tissues in the body. Silicon also increases the level of hydroxyproline (an amino acid in the composition of collagen) in body tissues, contributing to their elasticity.

Cellular repair and renewal

By creating bonds between protein molecules responsible for the skin's moisture absorption capacity, silica enables cell repair and renewal. A natural anti-inflammatory, silica is also a powerful ally in cases of skin imbalances.

Nutrients for hair

Silica doesn't just help repair body tissues. It also works wonders for hair, nails, skin and even gums, teeth and bones! It gives luster and shine to hair, in addition to making it grow faster. Silica carries nutrients to the follicles. In doing so, it provides hair with the nutrients it needs to become thicker and healthier. It therefore helps prevent hair loss and thinning.

How to use it ?

Mask for face and hair

It is easiest to use silica in liquid or gel form. If you opt for the gel, you can apply a thin layer of Sili-Mer Gel to the face like a beauty mask, then remove it by peeling it or rinsing it with water.

You can also create a powerful hair mask following the same principle.

In liquid form, Sili-Mer Solution can be applied topically as a cell regenerator.

Before buying it…

The effects of silica are sometimes more powerful than many expensive beauty treatments. Silica is one of the most cost-effective substances considering its caliber. However, it is important to carefully check the actual quantity of silica contained in each dose when obtaining silica in any form. You should aim for a minimum amount of 20 mg per dose or a level of at least 0.2%.

Alterra 's Sili-Mer Gel and Sili-Mer Solution offer powerful, yet economical options with 30 mg per dose. Finally, be sure to read the instructions on the product label carefully to get the best possible results.

The Alterra team


La Silice est en fait un minéral qui constitue les tissus du corps. Il contribue à la santé des os, des muscles, des cartilages et des ligaments, mais aussi des cheveux, de la peau et des ongles.

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