collagène, articulations, arthrite, arthrose

Support your joint health

What does collagen do for the health of your joints and the prevention of arthritis and osteoarthritis?

Let's say you're in your 30s. You are young, in good shape, your joints don't hurt when you get up... everything is going well! Until a certain morning. Oh! knee stiffness . You didn't do anything in particular the day before though. What is going on ?

If you think age has caught up with you overnight, think again! It is rather the result of a gradual slowdown in collagen production which appears from the age of 30 onwards. At first, you don't feel it. Over time, if you don't prevent this decline, it could be your joints that pay the price.

Collagen, not just good for healthy skin

Collagen has been getting a lot of attention lately. However, we often talk about it more to praise its beneficial effects on the appearance of skin and hair . But collagen is much more than a solution to help reduce the signs of aging !

As mentioned above, collagen is a substance produced by the body. More precisely, it is a structural protein, the most abundant in the body, which is part of the composition of our tissues, all our tissues. Collagen promotes their elasticity and resilience . It improves their resistance to stretching and their recovery capacity. It contributes to the health of bones, muscles and joints and repels joint pain and stiffness .

Collagen production declining

With age, starting in the thirties, collagen synthesis begins to decrease. This decline leads to drying, weakening and thinning of the skin, but also of all the tissues of the body, which are themselves composed of collagen.

Over time, loss of tissue flexibility and firmness results in unusual muscle and joint pain that restricts familiar movements. This loss of elasticity, of course, makes tissues more vulnerable to damage from wear and tear or inflammation and injury.

Other factors also contribute to reducing collagen production. Note among other things, stress , alcohol or drug consumption, lifestyle, diet , dehydration, etc.

No one has control over age and aging. However, you can certainly promote a lifestyle that encourages the formation of collagen by your body, starting with a healthy diet , from which the body will draw the nutrients necessary for the synthesis of its collagen.

Arthritis and osteoarthritis, understanding and preventing

Very widespread in the population, arthritis and osteoarthritis are two pathologies affecting the joints . Arthritis is in fact a collection of around a hundred joint diseases, of which osteoarthritis is one. Both painful and restrictive, they develop for different reasons and their symptoms can be prevented or limited by maintaining collagen in your joints.

Osteoarthritis, a mechanical damage

Osteoarthritis occurs when the body is no longer able to adequately repair the components of its joints . Osteoarthritis is often an effect of aging , but not exclusively. An injury can also trigger it.

Over time, joints affected by osteoarthritis will have less and less cartilage, causing abnormal bone-on-bone friction, and then, as you might imagine, pain, stiffness and limited movement.

A word about inflammatory arthritis

As the name suggests, inflammatory arthritis is the result of inflammation in the joints . In this case, it is rather the immune system that must be blamed since it attacks healthy joint tissues. Pain and restriction of movement will also result from this imbalance. Although inflammatory arthritis is more common in older people, it can occur at any age.

Prevent arthritis and osteoarthritis

By taking care of your body and allowing it to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to support the production of collagen , which could help limit the pain linked to arthritis and osteoarthritis .

A healthy, varied and balanced diet will provide your body with nutrients essential for its proper functioning. These nutrients will nourish and repair your bones, muscles and joints and thus promote better freedom of movement. And remember, it is from these nutrients that your body will draw what it needs to make its precious collagen.

Movement and moderate exercise also contribute to joint health . While moving triggers pain in people with arthritis and osteoarthritis, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle before symptoms appear could help prevent joint problems.

Collagen supplements, is it relevant?

You eat well, you pay attention to your stress level, you exercise regularly, in short, you do everything it takes to keep your body young and healthy. But the time factor works against you and inevitably leads to a slowdown in collagen production which, remember, is a necessary component for joint maintenance and repair.

To balance out this slowdown in production, taking a collagen supplement is a great option to consider. Ideally, choose a hydrolyzed collagen formula. These molecules are more easily assimilated by the body and this will have the effect of fully benefiting from its benefits.

Bovine or marine?

Marine collagen is a type I collagen, very bioavailable. It is perfect for taking care of skin and bones. Bovine collagen , type II, will further support your joints.

In case of inflammation

Taking a collagen supplement will help prevent symptoms of joint disorders . In cases where pain is felt, opt for an anti-inflammatory formula. This will help you limit stiffness .

Remember that the more you take care of your body by providing it with a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle , the more you will be able to contribute to its balance and the prevention of joint disorders . And the sooner you make changes, the more positive impact they will have. Don't wait until you experience stiffness before looking into it.

Do you have any questions about what you just read? Contact one of our naturopaths.

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