
Faites place à l’énergie vitale

Make way for vital energy

Lack of energy has, unfortunately, become a modern health condition. More and more people feel overwhelmed by stress and overwhelmed by events. More and more people say they are tired and lacking energy. A hectic lifestyle, lack of exercise and an unbalanced diet are largely the causes of poor me... Lack of energy has, unfortunately, become a modern health condition. More and more people feel overwhelmed by stress and overwhelmed by events. More and more people say they are tired and lacking energy. A hectic lifestyle, lack of exercise and an...
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Comment bien nourrir son enfant difficile ?

How to properly feed your picky child?

How to properly feed your picky child? This is a question on the lips of many parents. Dr. Charney answers it brilliantly in this article. As any parent can attest, it often takes herculean efforts to get our children to eat healthy foods. Children are capricious by nature. They experience an a... How to properly feed your picky child? This is a question on the lips of many parents. Dr. Charney answers it brilliantly in this article. As any parent can attest, it often takes herculean efforts to get our children to eat healthy foods. Child...
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Oméga 3, revenir à la base

Omega 3, getting back to basics

Omega 3, go back to basics to better understand! Do you know the importance of consuming omega 3 oils? So much information is conveyed about them that it is often difficult to see clearly. What is omega 3? What is its function in the body? Why is it so important to take it every day? Consumer o... Omega 3, go back to basics to better understand! Do you know the importance of consuming omega 3 oils? So much information is conveyed about them that it is often difficult to see clearly. What is omega 3? What is its function in the body? Why i...
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Keto, jeûne intermittent… éviter les carences

Keto, intermittent fasting… avoid deficiencies

Keto, intermittent fasting… avoid deficiencies Increasingly, the ketogenic diet as well as intermittent fasting are part of today's dietary trends. Each requires great effort. In return, they bring their share of benefits… but also certain disadvantages. The benefits of intermittent fasting ... Keto, intermittent fasting… avoid deficiencies Increasingly, the ketogenic diet as well as intermittent fasting are part of today's dietary trends. Each requires great effort. In return, they bring their share of benefits… but also certain disad...
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Tirer le meilleur des fruits et légumes

Getting the most out of fruits and vegetables

Eat fruits and vegetables! We were told this as a child by our parents. As parents, we tell our children this. There's nothing innovative about eating fruits and vegetables. Even though since humans have been on this earth we have been eating fruits and vegetables, have you ever wondered if you... Eat fruits and vegetables! We were told this as a child by our parents. As parents, we tell our children this. There's nothing innovative about eating fruits and vegetables. Even though since humans have been on this earth we have been eating fr...
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Pourquoi les omégas-3 sont essentiels ?

Why are omega-3s essential?

Why are omega-3s essential? A great question to ask yourself. Is it just a marketing stunt or does our body really need it? Taking care of your health requires considerable effort. You move. You eat properly and drink enough water. You take your probiotics and multivitamins. You rest. But is ta... Why are omega-3s essential? A great question to ask yourself. Is it just a marketing stunt or does our body really need it? Taking care of your health requires considerable effort. You move. You eat properly and drink enough water. You take your...
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Sportifs, mangez de la betterave !

Athletes, eat beets!

Athletes, eat beets! Ladies and gentlemen athletes, you have surely already heard that beets can help you improve your physical performance. For what ? In addition to having a very attractive nutritional profile, beets are among the vegetables most naturally rich in nitrates, an essential precu... Athletes, eat beets! Ladies and gentlemen athletes, you have surely already heard that beets can help you improve your physical performance. For what ? In addition to having a very attractive nutritional profile, beets are among the vegetables m...
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L’alimentation durant la grossesse

Diet during pregnancy

Are you pregnant or want to become pregnant? Did you know that nutrition during pregnancy is essential? Its aim is to ensure the supply of nutrients necessary for the proper development of your baby and your health. For 9 months, your little being relies on you to provide him with what he needs... Are you pregnant or want to become pregnant? Did you know that nutrition during pregnancy is essential? Its aim is to ensure the supply of nutrients necessary for the proper development of your baby and your health. For 9 months, your little bei...
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