
Faites de beaux rêves

Sweet dreams

Is it difficult for you to have sweet dreams? The hassles of everyday life, bad habits before bed, digestive difficulties, etc. may be the cause. Sleep: essential for optimal health Sleep plays a crucial role in life balance. We know from multiple studies that poor sleep does not only cause f... Is it difficult for you to have sweet dreams? The hassles of everyday life, bad habits before bed, digestive difficulties, etc. may be the cause. Sleep: essential for optimal health Sleep plays a crucial role in life balance. We know from mult...
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La rentrée vous stress ?

Are you stressed about going back to school?

Omega 3 and its many health benefits Well known for their anti-inflammatory and protective roles for cardiovascular functions, omega 3 has many other health benefits. They are also good allies for calming an agitated nervous system and improving cognitive functions. Indeed, a daily intake of ... Omega 3 and its many health benefits Well known for their anti-inflammatory and protective roles for cardiovascular functions, omega 3 has many other health benefits. They are also good allies for calming an agitated nervous system and improving...
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Anxiété, mal des nouveaux millénaires

Anxiety, illness of new millennials

Throughout our lives, there will always be occasions when we are very nervous, worried, apprehensive or even afraid. Having concerns is completely normal. But when there are too many of them, they can ruin our daily lives. Like an alarm system, anxiety appears when we are too often confronted wit... Throughout our lives, there will always be occasions when we are very nervous, worried, apprehensive or even afraid. Having concerns is completely normal. But when there are too many of them, they can ruin our daily lives. Like an alarm system, an...
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Combattez la fatigue

Fight fatigue

Does your alarm clock seem to be going off too early? Do you experience frequent energy outages and low energy levels? Refuel your life Among the most common medically unexplained complaints, fatigue seems to affect a large majority of relatively healthy people. Here's how to stock up on ene... Does your alarm clock seem to be going off too early? Do you experience frequent energy outages and low energy levels? Refuel your life Among the most common medically unexplained complaints, fatigue seems to affect a large majority of relati...
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Le magnésium : que peut faire pour vous ce merveilleux minéral ?

Magnesium: what can this wonderful mineral do for you?

Magnesium is an important mineral that is involved in many of our physiological processes. Whether it's energy production, blood pressure regulation, muscle function, bone strength or gene maintenance, magnesium has its role to play. Unfortunately, the fact is that most Canadians have an insuff... Magnesium is an important mineral that is involved in many of our physiological processes. Whether it's energy production, blood pressure regulation, muscle function, bone strength or gene maintenance, magnesium has its role to play. Unfortunate...
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Le stress, ce mal du siècle

Stress, this evil of the century

These days, who doesn't experience stress? Combining the good old metro-work-sleep, family life, transporting children, a little leisure and trying to eat healthily has become the daily life of far too many people. As a result, at the beginning you feel all-powerful, like a superhero thinking you... These days, who doesn't experience stress? Combining the good old metro-work-sleep, family life, transporting children, a little leisure and trying to eat healthily has become the daily life of far too many people. As a result, at the beginning yo...
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Alimentez votre style de vie actif

Fuel your active lifestyle

Diet is a key factor in natural health. To function optimally, the body needs essential nutrients. These will be used to meet its energy demands and maintain its structure. A personalized diet Each of our activities, whether physical, physiological, intellectual or other, generates minimal en... Diet is a key factor in natural health. To function optimally, the body needs essential nutrients. These will be used to meet its energy demands and maintain its structure. A personalized diet Each of our activities, whether physical, physiolo...
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L’orgasme, summum de la santé naturelle

Orgasm, the pinnacle of natural health

Not tonight darling, I have a headache. It may be a completely cliché expression, but what woman hasn't said it before? Far be it from me to denigrate the heaviness of your daily life, but ladies, know that orgasm has very strong powers. Who knows, maybe you could find some respite naturally? W... Not tonight darling, I have a headache. It may be a completely cliché expression, but what woman hasn't said it before? Far be it from me to denigrate the heaviness of your daily life, but ladies, know that orgasm has very strong powers. Who knows...
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