Restrictions alimentaires au menu

Food restrictions on the menu

Dietary restrictions affect everyone. Vegan, ketogenic, gluten-free, nut-free... how can you receive guests without stress?

The season of BBQs, pool parties and picnics is approaching. It's so nice to get together with family or friends to enjoy a good meal. Now, this meal must be made! What do we eat that will please everyone, but above all that will respect everyone's dietary restrictions? Maybe it's easier to prepare several small meals?

Before you worry too much, read on. You will find a lot of advice and certainly several answers to your questions.

What are dietary restrictions?

Let's start by establishing what dietary restrictions are. If you have one yourself or if someone close to you has one, move on to the other section, you already know!
Defining what dietary restrictions are is very simple, everything is said in the term. Having dietary restrictions means not being able to eat just anything .
There are all kinds of reasons. It can be by choice or by conviction . For example, deciding to become vegan or eliminate certain foods for ecological reasons or to try to improve your health.
It can also be out of obligation, for strictly medical reasons . For example, celiacs, diabetics, people with allergies or food intolerances, etc.
In either case, these people have a diet that is out of the ordinary and which can sometimes present a challenge when preparing the meal . You want your guests to feel comfortable and enjoy their meal. So, how to do it?

Meal planning

That's it, the invitations are out! You are organizing a gathering this summer. Family, friends, neighbors, everyone will be there! You are excited! Until the texts start flooding you. Eliote, your niece's 4 year old child is allergic to dairy products and nuts. Your friend's new girlfriend is vegan and doesn't eat any animal products or by-products. Aunt Claudette is newly diagnosed with celiac and her husband, Uncle Pierre, has diabetes. No gluten and no sugar for them.
What to do ? Step 1, breathe. 2, read on, the solutions are coming. 3, realize that you are going to make it.

Understanding dietary restrictions to better accept them

If you're not sure what each person's dietary restrictions entail, find out . Contact the person in question and ask them to clearly explain to you what should and should not be on their plate. Ask for meal ideas, tips for cooking them well, and suggested references to consult to learn and understand more. Give yourself the chance to learn , you will come out a winner.

Additionally, by discussing them, you will be able to understand the particular situation of your guests . You will avoid falling into judgment and you will be able to fulfill your duties as a host with less stress and certainly more pleasure .

Personalized or collective meal?

Making a single meal that everyone can enjoy or making individualized meals is definitely a choice to consider. The decision is yours.

On the one hand, by making just one meal everyone ends up with the same thing on their plate. A little more user-friendly , but the choice of menu can become complicated , especially if you have to manage several dietary restrictions.

On the other hand, making several clearly labeled dishes can allow everyone to eat according to their own dietary restrictions . Simpler at first glance, but more individualized too. If you opt for this alternative, you will also need to pay attention to cross-contamination . Each dish must be cooked one at a time so as not to contaminate the others.

Looking for recipes

The Internet is a real gold mine of information, but also of recipes. Research what dietary restrictions you should follow . You will be surprised by everything you find and the inspiration it will bring you.

If you didn't know, is home to a large collection of recipes . You will find a host of interesting and varied recipes that will help you prepare your meal.

To be sure of your recipe selections, submit them to your guests . To eliminate any doubt, additionally share the ingredients found in these recipes. If there's something wrong, they'll tell you. You will therefore have peace of mind in the evening.

The art of food substitution

It is possible to transform several recipes in order to personalize them. Don't reject an interesting recipe just because it contains certain prohibited ingredients . Instead, think about how to replace them.

If you search for the term food substitution for example, you will find several websites that will teach you how to replace prohibited foods with healthy alternatives . Converting a more traditional recipe becomes child's play and the result may surprise you!

Practice makes perfect

To remove unnecessary stress, test the recipes and food substitutions you choose before serving them to your guests. Whatever you plan to cook, prepare it just for you the days before. You will see if there is anything to adjust and you will be able to make the necessary changes. No unpleasant surprises, everyone is happy.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself and remember that this should all be enjoyable.

Shopping time

List in hand, it's time to make purchases. If you haven't already, it's high time to discover the La Moisson health grocery store. Several advisors are there at all times and are just waiting for your arrival. They specialize in healthy eating and understand the challenge of cooking for people with dietary restrictions . They will guide you through the aisles and tell you which foods to choose or avoid. Come and see, everything is there!

And There you go ! You know everything you need to know to host a positively unforgettable evening. Your meal will be a success. The only unfortunate event that we will talk about again will be that of having damaged your cell phone stored in your pocket by being thrown into the swimming pool!

Good reception !


Merci pour votre commentaire ! L’idée derrière ce texte est de montrer qu’il est tout à fait possible de cuisiner en fonction des restrictions alimentaires avec les bons renseignements en tête. Bien sûr, une tablée composant à la fois des gens ayant des allergies et/ou intolérances alimentaires variées en plus d’invités cétogènes ou véganes imposerait un grand défi à l’hôte. Un peu d’aide serait de mise, je vous l’accorde !

La Moisson

Wow! pire qu’un resto !
Je n’aurais pas tout ce temps à consacrer pour la recherche et la confection de tous ces mets !
Si je souhaitais vraiment ce genre de rencontre, je dirais à chacun d’apporter ce qu’il veut manger.
Sinon le contrat est énorme…

Marie-Claude Sagala

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