
woman looking at her smartphone at night in bed

Screen, stress and bad sleep: what's the connection?

In 2022, a large proportion of society owns one or more electronic devices. While very entertaining, our screens have unfortunately become harmful to our health. In this era of virtual entertainment, it has become customary to stay up late in front of a screen. Many people turn to their electroni... In 2022, a large proportion of society owns one or more electronic devices. While very entertaining, our screens have unfortunately become harmful to our health. In this era of virtual entertainment, it has become customary to stay up late in fron...
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Restrictions alimentaires au menu

Food restrictions on the menu

Dietary restrictions affect everyone. Vegan, ketogenic, gluten-free, nut-free... how can you receive guests without stress? The season of BBQs, pool parties and picnics is approaching. It's so nice to get together with family or friends to enjoy a good meal. Now, this meal must be made! What do... Dietary restrictions affect everyone. Vegan, ketogenic, gluten-free, nut-free... how can you receive guests without stress? The season of BBQs, pool parties and picnics is approaching. It's so nice to get together with family or friends to enjoy...
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Sport. Entrainement. Végétalisme. Végane. Alimentation saine. Suppléments santé. Alimentation sportive. Macro nutriments

Sport and veganism, it’s possible!

The world of sport certainly does not belong to omnivores. If you are vegetarian or even vegan, it is entirely possible for you to perform in your sport while respecting your dietary choices. No hiding here, it's already been said. Performing at a physical and sporting level is not just for peo... The world of sport certainly does not belong to omnivores. If you are vegetarian or even vegan, it is entirely possible for you to perform in your sport while respecting your dietary choices. No hiding here, it's already been said. Performing at...
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Détox. Détox hépatique. Détox du foie. Foie. Santé. Alimentation saine. Cure du foie. Cure détox. Suppléments santé

Detox: a seasonal or daily task?

What is detox? How does it work? Does it have a real impact on health and well-being? Should we use health supplements? And what about food in all this? As spring approaches, one of the most popular health topics is definitely liver detox . But it seems that the more we talk about it, the more ... What is detox? How does it work? Does it have a real impact on health and well-being? Should we use health supplements? And what about food in all this? As spring approaches, one of the most popular health topics is definitely liver detox . But ...
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Ménopause. Menstruations. Santé de la femme. Mère et fille. Suppléments santé. Produits naturels. Ostéoporose. Cycle menstruel. Alimentation saine. Hygiène de vie.

Secrets of a healthy woman

Between menstruation and menopause, women's health is anything but monotonous! Being a woman is wonderful. Generally, we are born with the great privilege of one day creating and giving life to the being who will be dearest to us among all. Since any privilege does not come for free, our bodie... Between menstruation and menopause, women's health is anything but monotonous! Being a woman is wonderful. Generally, we are born with the great privilege of one day creating and giving life to the being who will be dearest to us among all. Sin...
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Les 5 volets d'une femme en santé

The 5 parts of a healthy woman

The 5 parts of a healthy woman When it comes to health and well-being, women have their own unique needs. From iron deficiency in their youth to bone health as they reach middle age, it's never too early or too late to practice holistic prevention and coping. Healthy habits, prevention measur... The 5 parts of a healthy woman When it comes to health and well-being, women have their own unique needs. From iron deficiency in their youth to bone health as they reach middle age, it's never too early or too late to practice holistic preventi...
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Oméga 3, produits naturels, supplément santé. Acides gras essentiels. EPA. DHA. Suppléments en ligne. Inflammation. Cerveau. Apprentissage. Santé des enfants.

Omega 3 become essential?

Omega 3, a supplement for the whole family that supports general health and cognitive health. It's amazing how we never stop discovering more about how the human body works. Every day, impressive progress is made by scientists who have a thirst for knowledge and discovery. These advances theref... Omega 3, a supplement for the whole family that supports general health and cognitive health. It's amazing how we never stop discovering more about how the human body works. Every day, impressive progress is made by scientists who have a thirst ...
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collagène, articulations, arthrite, arthrose

Support your joint health

What does collagen do for the health of your joints and the prevention of arthritis and osteoarthritis? Let's say you're in your 30s. You are young, in good shape, your joints don't hurt when you get up... everything is going well! Until a certain morning. Oh! knee stiffness . You didn't do any... What does collagen do for the health of your joints and the prevention of arthritis and osteoarthritis? Let's say you're in your 30s. You are young, in good shape, your joints don't hurt when you get up... everything is going well! Until a certa...
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