8 trucs pour éviter la constipation

8 tips to avoid constipation

8 tips to avoid constipation

What's a worse feeling than not being able to evacuate properly? When it goes in, it has to come out! But the unpleasant feeling is not the only problem caused by constipation. This harms the balance of the intestinal microbiota, risks contributing to inflammation, could disrupt digestion, etc.

This is why, for your health and well-being, you must do everything to support and stimulate elimination.

Bowel movement

So many people suffer from digestive disorders. Besides, constipation sits (without wanting to make bad puns!) at the top of this list. According to the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research, chronic constipation affects 15 to 30% of Canadians.

Bowel movement is a good place to start. Many aspects risk harming him. For example, age and pregnancy. But if we have no control over certain factors, here are 8 that we can focus on to make a real difference.

1- Diet rich in fiber

Fiber helps increase the volume of stools, making their elimination easier and faster. Be sure to include legumes, fruits, vegetables and whole grains on the menu.

Conversely, while foods rich in fiber are beneficial, processed foods are harmful. These are generally devoid of dietary fiber and nutrients.

If you have difficulty getting enough fiber, natural products can help. Renew Life’s FiberSmart is a good example. It is composed of dietary fiber, but also other ingredients that improve intestinal transit.

2- Fermentation and probiotics

Be sure to include fermented or so-called probiotic foods such as lactofermentations, kefir, kombucha and tempeh. These are rich in bacteria that will support your microbiota and improve your overall gut health.

When food is not enough, consider taking your probiotic supplements. Choose one that contains several strains for a balanced flora.

3- Drink water

Water hydrates the body. It's not a secret ! But by drinking enough water, you also hydrate your stools, increasing their volume and making it easier to pass.

Did you know that drinking a large glass of water when you get up could trigger the elimination process and get you to the bathroom faster?

4- Exercise

By moving, you contribute to bowel movement. Aerobic exercise, such as jogging or simply walking, helps stimulate the muscle contractions necessary for transit. Without them, the stools stay in place and do not come out.

5- Stress

Stress management comes up every time we talk about healthy lifestyle habits. No matter from what perspective, it will be beneficial! By practicing meditation, yoga or breathing exercises, you will help manage your stress. Easier said than done, of course, but you have to start somewhere!

6- Allow yourself time and privacy

Although everyone goes to the bathroom, a little privacy is always welcome. If you go to the bathroom in a hurry for time or for fear of being surprised, this may be enough to stop your bowel movement. If you're too busy to take the time you need and ignore your urge, you're contributing greatly to constipation.

7- Effective positioning

And yes, simply sitting on the toilet is not the most optimal position! The natural elimination position is instead the squat position, with the hips under the knees. To achieve this, leave a small bench lying around in your bathroom and rest your feet on it when the time comes. The angle of your hips will close and the passage will open.

You can also try moving your upper body back and forth. They will help you eliminate more easily.

8- Establish a routine

Like stress management, routine is a key element for a healthy lifestyle. Be consistent in your diet, including what you put on your plate and meal times. Sleep habits also need to be monitored. By going to bed and getting up at similar times every day, the body is better able to follow the flow of your days.

Don't let constipation ruin your day. Apply these tips and make your bathroom trip a quick and satisfying experience!

Caroline Farquhar, RHN, EMP, BA, for Renew Life

Free translation: The Harvest


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La Moisson

Très bons conseils que je ne savais pas et a mettre en pratique. Merci!


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