Assiette équilibrée pour famille occupée

Balanced plate for a busy family

The fall season is the season of colors, cool mornings and mild evenings. It’s also the season for cocooning and wool jackets. For many, fall is above all the return of school activities and leisure activities for children. For parents, it's the race against time and the accelerated routine that begins again. For children, it's school, homework, music lessons and sports training.

Organizing and planning all these activities requires a lot of time. Caught in the whirlwind of daily obligations, we sometimes find ourselves obliged to put our good lifestyle habits aside in the hope of saving time. Result: balanced meals cooked at home, relaxation sessions, bedtime routine and everything else take a backseat. But at what cost ? In the medium and long term, is it really that effective to compromise your lifestyle?

Balanced plate on the calendar

No matter the daily requirements, the nutritional needs remain the same. To support the body in these challenges, a balanced and adapted diet is essential. This for adults and children. Whether on a physical or mental level, the body needs specific essential nutrients.

To improve energy, to potentiate tissue repair, to ensure a well-connected brain or to function optimally, the diet must be well balanced. Without these valuable nutritional contributions, the appearance of deficiencies could lead to certain disorders.

Imbalances in sight

These imbalances include difficulty maintaining attention and concentration, fatigue or lack of energy, excitability or hyperactivity, slow recovery and repair after physical activity, etc. Do you recognize yourself?

Support for the whole family

To make up for the shortfall, the base must be supplemented. On the other hand, there are few food supports suitable for the whole family. In your pantry, you like to have food products that meet the nutritional needs of your children, your partner and yourself.

Vega's protein and green food powder formulation is the ideal complement for a balanced diet. Made with 100% natural plant proteins, GMO-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, soy-free, dairy-free, sweetener-free and without artificial flavors or colors. Protein & Greens contains only good nutrients that will support the daily activities of the whole family .

Everywhere, all the time

Designed by Brendan Brazier, renowned athlete passionate about plant-based nutrition, Vega Protein & Greens is ideal as a meal supplement or to support your child in their physical activities. Add it to a plant-based drink, a smoothie, in your muffin, pancake or waffle recipes . Each adult serving of Protein & Greens offers 20g of protein and 2 servings of green vegetables. To satisfy everyone's tastes, it is available in several flavors: berry , plain , tropical , vanilla , chocolate and salted caramel . No reason to do without it!

Good health !

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