Combattez la fatigue

Fight fatigue

Does your alarm clock seem to be going off too early? Do you experience frequent energy outages and low energy levels?

Refuel your life

Among the most common medically unexplained complaints, fatigue seems to affect a large majority of relatively healthy people. Here's how to stock up on energy to better enjoy your days.

Better habits for all-day energy

Avoid energy thieves

Does a good coffee in the morning make you feel good? It's perfect, but those who follow... a little less. Relying on caffeine to compensate for lack of energy can be more harmful than anything else. Take a step back to better face everyday situations and learn to say no when it comes to respecting your limits.

Are you eating enough protein?

The pumps are often attributable to an intake of too much sugar and too little protein. Sugary snacks can provide a quick short-term energy boost, but the effects are short-lived. When you consume sugar, the pancreas secretes insulin which helps regulate blood glucose levels. Obviously, the more we consume, the more our pancreas secretes insulin, which creates an imbalance that leads to lack of energy. A very easy solution is to eat protein with every meal. Proteins can slow down the absorption of sugars during meals, which reduces blood sugar peaks and therefore, pumping.

Fuel your energy

Food is your fuel; adopting a diet rich in proteins, good lipids accompanied by colorful plants, these are elements that guarantee to give you all the phytonutrients you need. Phytonutrients give plants their vibrant colors in addition to providing unique health benefits. Eat fruits and vegetables of various colors (red, yellow, blue, green) daily.

Make sure you get enough sleep in both quantity and quality. Disconnect from your screens and social media at least an hour before bed. Try to follow a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and getting up at approximately the same times.

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