Des nutriments fermentés pour combattre les virus

Fermented nutrients to fight viruses

We are often looking for new alternatives to protect ourselves from infections. More and more of us are turning to natural solutions.

Many years ago, humans depended on herbs and plants to combat various health problems. Turmeric, oregano, garlic and thyme for example, have a long tradition in maintaining body balance and health.

Fermentation traditions

Since 6000 BC, fermentation has been part of our diet. It was used for medicinal purposes, for conservation, during ceremonies and to activate several nutrients. From the soy sauce of China, to the miso of Japan, to the kimchi of Korea and the sauerkraut of Europe, ancient cultures have always harnessed the power of fermentation.

How does fermentation help ?

Today, it is realized that the fermentation process enhanced the nutrients of herbs and plants. When consumed on a regular basis, these fermented foods help support health. This is because fermentation transforms herbs and plants into more active nutrients, thus becoming more potent.

Fermentation made accessible

At Living Alchemy we ferment our whole foods and plants in a unique process over several weeks, which increases the number and strength of our strains and allows our bacteria and yeast to work in harmony. Adding a variety of certified organic, fermented plants and herbs, such as garlic, ginger and cloves, to your diet is a great way to support your health, strengthen your immune system and improve your health. ward off flu viruses and other minor infections.

A fermented formula to fight viruses

Our Defense formula combines 35 strains of live bacteria and yeast from kefir-kombucha with fermented organic herbs and plants. Herbs like oregano, garlic and thyme can neutralize bad bacteria put in their presence. Garlic is known for its antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms are incredible immune boosters. They have the ability to activate white blood cells. By taking Defense 1-3 times daily, the fermented nutrients will help your immune system fight colds, flu and other minor infections.

Defense of Living Alchemy is available online and in stores

Living Alchemy

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