Des plantes pour des jambes parfaites

Plants for perfect legs

Having perfect legs is often the concern of many women, especially as summer approaches. But perfect legs aren't just about looks. It's first and foremost a question of health. Indeed, even before the disturbing appearance of purplish veins on the surface of the skin, a blood circulation problem arises. Heavy legs, pain and fatigue in the lower limbs and even venous insufficiency are some of the possible repercussions.

A lack of venous tone

The problem of heavy legs is mainly the manifestation of a malfunction of the venous system. This unpleasant feeling of pain and heaviness occurs particularly when circulation returns to the leg veins. This problem is related to a lack of venous tone. This weakness prevents the adequate return of blood to the lungs so that it can oxygenate again.

Plants to the rescue of your legs!

We can quickly help the body counter this problem. The use of certain plants recognized and appreciated for these circulatory disorders of the lower limbs is an effective solution. Several plant species have been shown to be beneficial for vein health. Using them in balanced synergy will also potentiate their therapeutic effects.

A synergy of plants such as offered by Vénovar from Holizen can provide effective relief from the discomfort often encountered during venous insufficiency. This combination of astringent plants will help the body decongest the entire venous system. In addition, it will activate and improve return circulation. Some of them will also protect the walls of the veins against any possible weakening.

Each plant has its particular role to play

  • Yarrow soothes pain and tones loose veins.
  • Fragon relieves heavy legs and combats the formation of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  • Horse chestnut reduces the permeability of capillaries and increases their resistance.
  • Witch hazel improves the elasticity of the vessels and facilitates the resorption of edema.
  • Red vine strengthens the vein walls in order to fight against venous insufficiency.

This plant complex is specially formulated to decongest and improve inflammatory conditions in the legs by activating circulation and venous return. Do you have swollen ankles and feet? A problem with spider veins and varicose veins? Do you have swollen and visible veins? Do cramps and tingling wake you up at night? Are leg aches and pains interfering with your daily activities? Use Vénovar from Holizen, proud promoter of perfect legs.

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