Dormez plus, stressez moins… Naturellement !

Sleep more, stress less… Naturally!

Stress and sleep problems are two common symptoms of modern life noted far too often during my consultations. Many factors can influence them, including:

  • a hectic pace of life
  • age/hormones
  • nutrient deficiencies
  • addiction to stimulants (coffee, etc.)
  • chronic inflammation
  • increased exposure to screens and digital devices
  • a feeling of isolation and uselessness

Reconnect with your natural rhythms of life

Unfortunately, many of us are disconnected from the natural rhythms of life. These govern the body day and night and form the basis of homeostasis (balance of body systems). However, this disconnection can have substantial repercussions on our stress level and our ability to get a good night's sleep.

Natural rhythms

The body naturally follows a circadian rhythm. Some hormones and brain chemicals follow a 24-hour schedule that repeats every day. The sleep/wake cycle is influenced by two major hormones: cortisol and melatonin.


Cortisol, which peaks in the morning, makes us mentally and physically alert and makes us feel energized. Then, it naturally descends as the day progresses to allow the body and mind to prepare for sleep.


Conversely, melatonin regulates the sleep/wake cycle by increasing its level in the evening, peaking in the middle of the night, and dropping as morning approaches.

Although cortisol is an essential hormone, it can harm our well-being if produced excessively. Lack of sleep and chronic stress can disrupt the normal cortisol process and thereby affect the melatonin process. This disruption then creates a vicious circle likely to produce overwhelm, worry, fatigue and exhaustion.

Reset your biological clock with plants

Lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet, are essential to maintain our daily rhythms. Also, certain herbs can influence the natural rhythm of hormones and brain chemicals to promote sleep and help you better manage stress.

Adaptogenic plants to manage stress

Every day we face varying degrees of stress. Although you can't simply get rid of stress, you can help your body be more resilient to it.

The key word is resilient . That's why I often turn to adaptogenic herbs when helping people dealing with varying degrees of stress. Adaptogenic herbs encourage the body to balance itself in times of mental, physical, or external stress that may impair physiological functions.


Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogenic herb used for thousands of years to enhance vitality and fortify the body's resilience.

St-Francis Herb Farm 's Strest formula contains not only ashwagandha, but also five other well-known anti-stress adaptogenic herbs, including holy basil, rhodiola, and Siberian ginseng. All work synergistically to reduce anxiety, alleviate fatigue and normalize the stress response.

Natural sedatives for restful sleep

Many people need help falling and staying asleep. In this case, I seek above all to promote a healthy “sleep architecture”. I mean a regular nighttime schedule, essential for rest and regeneration of the body.

Calming and sedative herbs can help restore and promote these natural phases of sleep. They promote relaxation of body and mind. The powerful synergy of six plants conducive to falling asleep in Valericalm constitutes a holistic tonic conducive to sleep. It is non-addictive and has no side effects, including weariness, sometimes felt the following day.

Day and night support

In order to manage your stress and improve the quality of your sleep, it is important to support the body around the clock. With a holistic approach, all your wellness strategies will be successful!

Dr. Briana Lutz, DN, for St-Francis Herb Farm

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