L’inflammation chronique naît dans le ventre

Chronic inflammation begins in the belly

Chronic inflammation is the cause of many daily ailments for many people. While we are giving more and more importance to the intestinal sphere, did you know that the state of your intestine could be the starting point of some of your symptoms?

It all happens in the gut

There is a strong link between increased porosity of the intestinal mucosa and the chronic inflammatory process. How do you establish the link between two completely different health conditions? It was indeed not with the snap of their fingers that scientists made this major observation! Years of research support this discovery.

The control center

The intestine is an important organ through which a multitude of elements pass. Nutrients, pathogenic bacteria, infectious agents, toxins, waste, etc. In short, almost everything that enters our body passes through the intestine. These elements are continually present there and normally supported by different functions. Depending on the nature of the contents of the intestine, the unloved organ that is the intestine could initiate an absorption process for nutrients, neutralization for pathogens, evacuation for waste, etc.

VIP access to the interior

The intestinal wall has a heavy task. First, it must allow nutrients essential for the functioning of the entire body to pass through. But at the same time it must block the passage of certain substances into the blood circulation. To do this, various security barriers are put in place. As a first line of defense, a bacterial colony lines the wall of the digestive tract and repels pathogens. Then, a protective layer of mucus (mucin) protects the mucosa against erosion. Finally, a system of tissues organized into tight junctions blocks the flow of fluids between tissue cells and provides a seal.

A healthy lifestyle that makes it difficult for our intestines

As long as access to the blood circulation is strictly reserved for what brings good to the body, everything goes well. Chronic inflammation is out of sight. But when these defense barriers become inadequate, they allow certain disruptive elements to penetrate. This begins intestinal porosity. Our lifestyle can easily have a negative influence on the functioning of the intestine. Irritant factors such as junk food, alcohol, cigarettes, repeated antibiotics, chronic stress, etc. all affect the intestinal wall.

In the more or less long term, the passage of prohibited elements creates sites of irritation and inflammation in different regions of the body. This is when symptoms related to chronic inflammation may appear, such as joint pain, skin lesions, headaches, etc. No matter how much we try to manage the inflammation at the very site of the problem, we cannot do it! You have to dig further and get to the origin, the intestine and its wall which has become too porous.

Reinforcements to improve the state of chronic inflammation

Several scientists have looked into these disorders of the intestinal mucosa and the impact that certain strains of bacteria have in intervening on these imbalances. One of these strains, L actobacillus plantarum LP299V , has been shown to possess specific therapeutic properties on its own. It promotes the balance of the intestinal microflora, stimulates the production of mucin and provides the nourishing elements essential for the repair and maintenance of the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. Sisu offers us INTEGRIS 20 billion, a probiotic supplement containing this same strain. This natural product is therefore an essential ally for intestinal and general health!

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