L’ingénosité au service de la santé

Ingenuity in the service of health

The human body is a super-efficient vehicle. It governs our entire multi-complex universe without us having to think about it. It metabolizes, adjusts, maintains and ensures the 1001 functions that are known to us… and unknown.

Simple solution to health

Its electricity and all the energy necessary to carry out its 1001 regular tasks, and this in a quarter of a second, are provided to it by the daily and repeated supply of food and water. Simply. Imagine being able to offer it all the benefits of an entire growing season, in a single, super assimilable tablet. Well, now you can with the Whole Earth & Sea range from Natural Factors . Its strength is to be assimilated by the body without creating superfluous storage of non-bioavailable elements. The ideal solution to your basic and, above all, daily dietary needs.

A capsule garden

A range of supplements made from non-GMO, organic, bio-energetic foods and put into capsules using the EnviroSimplex process. This generates minimal heat to preserve all the nutritional values, highly concentrated, vibrant and nourishing that nature offers us. So from the garden to the capsule to increase our personal dynamism. In addition, the majority of formulas are suitable for vegetarians as well as vegans.

Benefits beyond health

For each sale of bio-available supplement, therefore assimilated by the body due to the fact that they are from food sources, an amount of $2 is donated to the “ Plant a Seed & See What Grows ” Foundation. A foundation that protects and stores seeds to ensure our survival. Intelligent and sustainable action.

Long live ingenuity!

We are increasingly challenged by our lifestyle and this has repercussions on our food choices which are too often insufficient or non-nutritious. Each formula is developed to provide the body with maximum assimilable nutrients, therefore more energy. This is a vitalizing choice.

Noella Simoneau, health advisor

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