La nature au service de votre animal

Nature, at your pet's service

From nature they come

I'm not teaching you anything new when saying that dogs and cats are creatures of nature. Animals have always followed their instincts and manage to regulate their daily lives according to their environment. Their fur thins or thickens with seasonal changes. They are on the lookout for sudden or rapid movements to ensure their protection. They hide when a storm approaches. They synchronize with their environment to insure their well-being and safety. At least that's what their ancestors used to do.

Your pet's evolution

The domestication and entry of animals into our homes forces them to evolve and be very different from their wild ancestors. For example, knowing that hunting is no longer vital for them, the dog or the cat will often remain unbothered in front of the squirrel calmly passing under their nose or will run after it just for fun. Their predecessor would never have missed such an opportunity to eat!

Over time, cats and dogs have learned to rely on people. While they are unbothered in front of the squirrel, they know precisely when it's feeding time and will not hesitate to follow their human like a shadow until he serves them.

Animals have traded the pile of straw for their human's bed to ensure their comfort and their prey of choice is a stuffed animal rather than a critter that they can digest. Have all these changes completely transformed our pets to such an extent that nature no longer matters to them?

Nature has got the solution!

Thankfully no ! Many of their instincts remain, especially when it comes to relieving their discomfort. You may have already seen your pet vomit after ingesting grass. Not only is it not a coincidence, but it's completely healthy for them.

So why, as a caring human, not do the same for them? Why not use what nature offers us to prevent our animal's discomfort?

So much is out there for you to choose from...

Essential oils

Some essential oils will act as an insect repellent (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, etc.). Others will allow it to help soothe stress or nervousness. There are some many different types of essential oils, all contributing differently to your pet's health.

As with humans, essential oils should never be applied pure to the skin. They are very effective, but very strong. Dilute them in a vegetable oil before applying it or put a few drops on a pendant to hang on his collar, for example.

*Be sure to ask a qualified professional about essential oils before using them, some are not recommended for animals.

Flower elixirs 

Flower elixirs, also known as Bach Flowers, are very effective with animals. You may use them in case of nervousness, for example before grooming, a car ride or a thunderstorm.

Unlike essential oils, flower elixirs are generally safe for most animals. They come in liquid form making them quite easy to administer.

As each individual is unique, it is your responsibility to ensure that the product is suitable for your animal before using it.


Among your natural allies for your pet's health, you will also find homeopathic remedies. They are ideal for redness in the ears, itchy skin, parasite prevention and much more.

Animals are generally very receptive to homeopathy, which makes it a very effective natural alternative. Just like with humans, you will increase your chances of success if you start using the right remedy at the first sign of symptoms.

Beauty care

Our little companions, we like them clean and fragrant, don't we?! That's why natural products for animals also extend to aesthetic care. Shampoo, conditioner, eye and ear cleaning solution, hydration balm for the paw pads, etc.

These products are made from natural ingredients and are free from harmful component so you can keep it as squeaky clean as you want!

La Moisson, for your pet's health and well-being

Support your furry companion's well-being by preventing health or behavioral disorders. Relieve his little discomforts effectively. Above all, when possible, remember to offer him care that will go hand in hand with his instincts.

Ask one of our naturopaths about natural products for animals. Go to La Moisson or in the pet care web section and discover all the natural products we offer for you and your pet.


Please note that this article does not in any way replace the diagnosis or care of a veterinarian. If your pet has a particular health condition or if their condition requires professional advice, consult a veterinarian.

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