Les effets du froid sur la santé

The effects of cold on health

Why do we get viral or bacterial infections more often when it's cold? The question has been studied by scientists for many years. The results are becoming more and more refined, but the fact remains that the cause is never unique. Many promoting factors come together to benefit the microbe that manages to make us sick. Here are a few.

Cold is expensive in energy currencies

The body is designed to function at its best when it is at the right temperature. On average, we are talking about 37°C. But when the body is immersed in an environment that is too cold, its efforts are deployed to maintain this comfortable 37°. At this moment, an entire metabolic process is triggered, giving way to a potential weakening of our immune defenses.

Who says effort, says energy expenditure. Keeping warm, the body expends a lot of energy. This expenditure of energy, if not adequately rebalanced, reduces the body's vital force, therefore reducing the immune response.

The effects of cold on our body

Despite our efforts to stay warm, the cold still manages to affect our body. Blood vessels, for example, constrict and slow blood flow. White blood cells, carried by the blood, take longer to arrive at different sites of infection in the body, giving microbes time to grow. Imagine an ambulance stuck in traffic: difficult to carry out its functions if it cannot get to the person in need.

Coat, boots, hat, mittens, scarf… and muffler?!?

Our mothers repeated it to us so well every day of every winter of our childhood: ''dress warmly, you will be sick!'' While the cold is definitely not a direct cause of illness , it is certainly a promoting factor. By putting on warm coats, we help our body conserve heat and energy.

Traditional winter clothing doesn't have many secrets about its usefulness. But should we consider wearing a muffler too? Oh yeah ! Okay, the scarf reassembled can do the job very well. The goal is to keep our nostrils warm. Researchers from Yale University in the United States have been able to demonstrate that the immune defenses of the nasal cavities are reduced in cold weather.

Microbes that like the cold

This same American scientific study also proved that microbes are not strengthened by cold. On the other hand, we know that certain viruses (such as those of the common cold) and certain bacteria (such as those of the flu) benefit from increased multiplication in environments where the temperature is colder. The nose, among other things. Although the muffler won't increase the temperature of our nostrils enough to slow the proliferation of microbes, keeping your nose warm is certainly helpful to the immune system.

Change in temperatures, change in habits

When winter sets in, many of our lifestyle habits change. We swap walking shoes for slippers. Friendly meetings on the outdoor terrace take place in the comfort of our living room. The windows close and the heating turns on. These seasonal changes also have a great influence on the development of winter infections.

Although the cold weakens our immune system, it is certainly not best to avoid going outside. Confined in the comfort of our warm and very well insulated homes, we end up always breathing the same air. All the microbes that have the chance to enter your home stay there for a long time and have plenty of time to infect you. Also, the humidity level is generally low indoors, causing dryness of the mucous membranes. A dry mucous membrane is like a sieve with too big holes, it lets everything pass through. Even germs!

What to do then?

Enjoy winter!

Equip yourself adequately, dress warmly (your nose too!) and go outside to play every day. If your schedule allows it, choose the periods when the sun is most present, you will benefit from its warmth and energy.

Open the windows, even if it’s -20°C!

It only takes a minute or two to do a good air change. This action should be done once a week. Don't worry, you won't cause the temperature in your home to drop. Also, if you have an essential oil diffuser, use it especially during and after having visitors. With the right oils, you can definitely eliminate a lot of germs. Please note, before using essential oils, you must find out about their effects and their contraindications from someone qualified.

At mealtime, why not accompany your hot meal with a small salad? Or, add raw foods like sprouts when serving the meal. Also, many foods are known to be warming. Ginger, turmeric, chili pepper, among others.

Good winter !


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