Moral à plat, idées sombres ?

Low morale, dark thoughts?

Omega-3s are an integral part of every cell in our body. Skin health, eyesight, cardiovascular health, the nervous system (state of mind among others), efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients, cognitive function... all depend on omega-3 fatty acids.

Omegas are among the basic elements of any program aimed at optimizing health and well-being. Studies have shown that people suffering from negative and/or depressed moods have low levels of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), found in omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fish oils have also been shown to have a positive impact on reducing inflammation in addition to providing other benefits on the diversity of the gut microbiome.

Omega-3 Joy, your happiness capsule!

Omega+ Joy has been around for over 15 years. It's proven to help you get through life's tough times. There are hundreds of testimonials about this product.

According to research, a dose of Omega3+ Joy contains 1000 mg of EPA, a dose clinically shown to improve mood and state of mind. Two capsules are enough!

Is food enough?

When it comes to omegas, many experts and health leaders have spoken out about the typical North American diet. This generally contains only a quarter of the recommended daily amount of omega-3. It's no surprise to see so many problems with inflammation, nervous system imbalances (depression, anxiety, etc.), dry or dehydrated skin, etc. Moreover, few people can boast of having an exemplary diet these days!

In these special times when our nervous system is called upon from all sides and our adaptation capacities are put to the test, Omega+ Joy represents an excellent basis to support you in this challenge that we all face.

In addition

Oxygenate daily. Take a step back through meditation and practice yoga or physical exercises. Enjoy a healthy diet. Maintain good relationships (at a distance) with those you love. These are all solutions contributing to our well-being.

When the body's biochemical needs are met, it becomes much easier to feel better. Just like the regular maintenance you subject your vehicle to, Omega+ Joy is fundamental to good health. It is there for more joy, inner calm and sunshine in your heart and head. Yes, it makes a difference, a difference validated by experience AND science!

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