Profiter des repas des fêtes sans inconforts digestifs

Enjoy holiday meals without digestive discomfort

With the holiday season approaching, we're going all out to prepare big meals and eat for pleasure. We tend to indulge in more excess than at any other time of the year. However, the anticipation of large meals and the feelings of post-meal fatigue, digestive sluggishness and bloating can make you bitter. Well, know that there is a way to fight fire with fire using a bitter plant tonic. What do I mean by that?

Foods that slow down digestion

When we consume fatty foods, such as cold meats, cheeses, pâtés and Christmas turkey, our stomach requires more time to digest them. With overeating and low digestive fire, these unpleasant sensations can set in quickly and affect your level of mental presence with your family. And what about your quality of sleep for the night to come!

To stimulate your digestive fire

To remedy this problem, the Canadian Bitters mother tincture from St-Françis is a great all-purpose product to use during meals that are more difficult to digest. Specially designed to support the digestive fire, i.e. the secretion of digestive juices and the healthy digestion and absorption of food, this formula soothes the feeling of being too full. Indeed, it contains plants known to stimulate stomach secretions as well as to contract the gallbladder in order to excrete bile.

Starting with the bitter flavor

First, artichoke, dandelion, gentian, chamomile and turmeric all have a bitter flavor so appreciated by our digestive system. They promote punctual bile flow following their ingestion or regular if taken daily. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory digestive action of chamomile and turmeric supports the digestive mucosa which can be attacked by indigestion from meals.

Then, a little something for the gut

Then, the addition of cardamom enhances the formula by balancing the bitter taste while supporting the elimination of gases. Burdock is also found there. A little less known, this plant contains inulin which has a naturally sweet taste. Additionally, inulin nourishes our intestinal bacteria. Given that the alteration of our digestive functions and that excess food affects our microbiota, it is relevant to support it.

Subsequently, the Canadian Bitters formula contains black walnut. This plant, in addition to having a bitter flavor, offers a mild laxative effect to regulate transit. It is ideal for bloating and constipation.

To optimize everything

Finally, ginger is a great addition since it is recognized in Ayurveda to increase digestive fire and promote daily transit. It turns out to be an excellent carrier and potentiator of other digestive plants, which improves the effectiveness of the formula.

So, don't worry about occasional overeating and chronic indigestion. The Canadian Bitters mother tincture from St-Françis is your ally to revive your digestive fire and regain regular transit!

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