Powerful lacto-fermentations
Consuming fermented foods, such as lacto-fermentations, on a daily basis is an excellent way to take care of your microbiota. Indeed, the choice of foods we consume greatly influences the bacterial diversity of our body. It is first of all in its bacterial diversity that our microbiota finds its strength against pathogenic invaders. Variety, color, freshness, processing, cooking are all factors to consider when preparing a meal. But it's the addition of fermented foods that will make the biggest difference.
Before the fridge, there was fermentation!
It is believed that it was purely by chance that our Ancestors discovered that they could control the rotting of food. Before rustic coolers or even snow-filled pits or worse, in warm climates, people practiced fermentation. We find the first traces dating from 8000 years ago.
Fermentation is the process by which friendly bacteria consume the simple sugars in a food and produce alcohol, acid and gases. These ''digestive by-products'' have the power to extend the life of food.
With time and the help of science, we are discovering benefits to fermentation beyond preservation.
- Easier digestion: bacteria initiate the digestive process for us. Foods that are generally poorly tolerated become a pleasure to eat.
- Less sugar: by consuming simple sugars, bacteria prevent us from unpleasant blood sugar fluctuations.
- Preservation of nutrients: unlike forms of preservation that exclude bacteria, fermentation is the only one that does not interfere with the nutritional profile of foods.
What are lacto-fermentations?
During lacto-fermentation, lactobacillus 1 bacteria consume the simple sugars of vegetables. They transform them into lactic acid, responsible for conservation.
Why consume lacto-fermentations?
By consuming lacto-fermentations on a regular basis, we ensure a regular supply of friendly bacteria. They are what will allow us to maintain or regain a balance in the different microbiota 2 of our body. Particularly the intestinal microbiota.
In addition to preserving the nutritional qualities of foods, lacto-fermentations also develop nutrients which were initially little or not present in the food. Analyzes have demonstrated increased levels of certain B complex vitamins, vitamin C, antioxidants and digestive enzymes.
Without however "creating" more minerals, the lacto-fermentation process allows better bioavailability of certain minerals naturally present in the vegetables used.
Lacto-feremnation also eliminates certain harmful properties of vegetables. A part of oxalic acid and phytic acid is eliminated. Certain toxins added in conventional cultivation can also be neutralized. However, we should not turn more towards conventionally grown vegetables. The quality of the foods chosen for lacto-fermentation must be optimal to obtain maximum health benefits.
For those who are frightened by the preservation process provided by an acid, rest assured. Lacto-fermented foods are alkalizing. Beyond lactic acid, lacto-fermentations contain more alkalizing minerals than acidifying minerals. It is above all this content which will ensure the acid-base balance.
Probiotic vs fermentation
Lacto-fermentations offer a very wide range of probiotic bacteria. For prevention and daily consumption, fermented foods are very suitable. Also, less expensive, you will perhaps be more motivated to consume them more regularly.
Probiotic supplements, on the other hand, are generally very effective and powerful. Occasionally, to support the body and the microbiota 3 . To each their own strengths!
Make your own lacto-fermentations
Did you buy too much this week? Lots of interesting specials in the vegetable section? Is your vegetable garden a little more generous than your consumption capacity? This is precisely where lacto-fermentation will come in handy.
Making lacto-fermentations at home does not require any specific equipment, especially to get started. There are all kinds of accessories on the market that can make your job easier, but none are necessary. You will only need mason jars, a large bowl and a wooden spoon. Ideally, avoid metal for all your accessories used to make your lacto-fermentations.
Choose raw foods that are as natural as possible. Organic vegetables, pure sea salt and clean non-chlorinated water.
There are several different ways to prepare your homemade lacto-fermentations. Here's one.
- Cut the vegetables into thin strips and place them in a large bowl.
- Add salt 4 .
- Knead the salted vegetables to squeeze out the water.
- Once a good quantity of liquid has accumulated, transfer everything into a clean Mason jar. Press the vegetables to avoid any air spaces. The liquid should cover all the vegetables.
- Place the lid on the pot, taking care not to screw it completely on. There will be gas formation during fermentation which could cause the pot to crack if it is airtight.
- Place the pot in a room where the ambient temperature is around 18 o C. The fermentation process lasts 2 to 3 weeks. The warmer the room, the faster fermentation will take place.
The liquid may overflow during fermentation. Place the pot in a container to avoid damage.
Once fermentation is complete, you can keep your lacto-fermentations in the fridge for several months. Be warned, depending on the type of vegetables chosen, there may be small odors released during fermentation. It's normal !
1- Lactobacile is a friendly bacteria found abundantly in the microbiota. It also survives in ambient air on the surface of fruits and vegetables.
2- Our body is made up of several microbiota. The intestinal microbiota being the most popular and the most studied, we must not forget the skin, oral, nasal, vaginal microbiota, etc.
3- Seek the advice of a pharmacist to find out whether the complementary use of a prescribed medication and probiotics is indicated in your case and how to proceed effectively.
4- Many advise weighing the vegetables and using 2% of the weight of the vegetables in salt. This precise ratio allows for better taste and good bacterial proliferation.