Tirer le meilleur des fruits et légumes

Getting the most out of fruits and vegetables

Eat fruits and vegetables! We were told this as a child by our parents. As parents, we tell our children this. There's nothing innovative about eating fruits and vegetables.

Even though since humans have been on this earth we have been eating fruits and vegetables, have you ever wondered if you were doing it right? " Eh ? ”, you will tell me! Well yes, there is a way to eat your fruits and vegetables well in order to optimize their nutritional values ​​and get maximum benefits from them.

The right amount of fruits and vegetables

According to the Canadian Food Guide , 50% of our plate should be made up of fruits and vegetables. Naturopathic practice, for its part, recommends this same proportion, but only in vegetables. No fruit in this proportion.

If we return to our quantities of vegetables (food combinations will be covered later), this half must be found at each meal of the day. Dinner and supper, not so bad. But lunch too! Mmmm a good salad for lunch! What’s better to get the day off to a good start? All joking aside, it's actually an excellent way to start our digestion machine. It is provided with a large quantity of all kinds of nutrients, water and fiber. If you're not too keen on this idea, remember that you still have lunch and dinner to refuel, not to mention snacks (if you have them).

And when do we eat these fruits?

Fresh fruits 1 are real nutrient bombs. Above all, we should not forget them. On the other hand, in the stomach, they get along less well with the other foods on the plate. In order to optimize your digestion, it is strongly suggested to eat them alone. At least 15 minutes before a meal and approximately 2 hours after the meal.

More specifically, fruits require a faster than average stay in the stomach. If they are mixed with other foods, there could be fermentation, then an imbalance in the stomach and intestine and this will result in discomfort and symptoms of digestive difficulties. However, we can get away with it without too much worry for certain classes of foods, such as vegetables. One thing is certain, the combination of fruits and cereals is one of the most harmful.

A rainbow isn't just beautiful in the sky

If I asked you to name at least one vegetable or fruit for each color of the rainbow, would you be able to? The exercise is interesting to do because this is how you should put together your daily menu. At least one plant representative for each color.

The variety of colors in food provides access to different nutrients. Plant pigment is provided by antioxidants and certain vitamins. Varied colors, varied nutrients. It's that simple ! And yes, white is a color. For a vegetable or fruit to be white, it needs specific pigments.

Cooked or raw?

Consumption of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables is essential. In this way, we consume living plants. We have access to their enzymes, their nutrients and their vital energy. A large part would be destroyed by the heat, regardless of the cooking method.

Eating raw is unfortunately not for everyone, nor for all times. First, if you experience digestive difficulties, eating raw vegetables could cause you discomfort. At this time, prefer gentle cooking, such as steaming, and experiment to find those that do not bother you. At the same time, seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional to try to restart healthy digestion.

Eating raw means eating cold. In the middle of a Quebec winter, this is not ideal. In cold weather or for someone who is cold, steam cooking is a good alternative to keep warm.

Sprouts and sprouts are excellent winter vegetables. They grow indoors, they don't really need that much sun, and they grow quickly. Above all, they offer an incredible amount of nutrients, enzymes and vitality and they are easily digested without cooling the body.


1- Fresh fruits have a better nutritional profile than fruits that have undergone processing. For example, freezing, dehydrating, canning, etc.

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