Une pratique ancestrale pour mieux dormir

An ancestral practice to sleep better

Ancestral experience has made it possible to acquire therapeutic knowledge concerning plants. These often reveal pleasant surprises to us. The California poppy is definitely one of these great finds.

A late night plant

The California poppy is a plant once used by Native Americans. It served as a reliable remedy against restlessness or overexcitement in the evening. Indeed, it managed to soothe what we know today as sleep disorders, including difficulty falling asleep or insomnia.

Wisdom backed by science

To support this ancestral practice, studies have demonstrated that its beneficial effects come from its ability to favorably modulate GABA-A receptors.

GABA and sleep

GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. It plays an important role in controlling neuronal hyperactivity. Its modulation, but especially that of GABA-A receptors, acts favorably on certain sleep disorders. Note for example difficulty falling asleep, muscular tension or nocturnal disturbances.

The modulatory effect of California poppy is not known to create the development of physiological habituation.

Demonstration of its beneficial effects

When administering higher doses of California poppy, scientists saw mild anxiolytic, sedative, and analgesic effects.

During clinical trials, it was also demonstrated that the extract of this plant would have a hypnotic influence without depressant effect on brain functions. Thanks to this ability, the California poppy would help normalize sleep habits without carryover or dependence effects.

To access it…

The Holizen company distributes a product made from excellent quality California poppies. This is Pavozen .

This product can help you reduce symptoms of anxiety, thus making it easier to fall asleep and improving the quality of sleep. In addition, its antispasmodic properties promote nervous and muscular relaxation during the night.

Holizen 's natural health products, including Pavozen , are available in-store and online. Do not hesitate to seek advice from a naturopath to know how to use it properly.

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