fondue chocolat végane fruits

Vegan chocolate fondue recipe

What better way to end a dinner than with a delicious chocolate fondue. Everyone is benefiting ! For those with a sweet tooth, indulge generously in chocolate. The others, dip more modestly!

Vegan or not, you can enjoy this decadent chocolate fondue recipe. It is free of animal products, dairy products and may very well be gluten-free as well.

Will you let yourself be tempted?

Ingredients for the vegan chocolate fondue recipe

Preparation for the vegan chocolate fondue recipe

Melt the chocolate with the coconut milk in a bain-marie. Stir.

Gradually add the vegetable drink according to the desired creaminess.

Pour without a hot fondue bowl.

Serve with a generous plate of organic fruit of all kinds. Add your choice of vegan marshmallows, cookies, cupcakes…

Some variations

When melting the chocolate, why not add a little more love? Let yourself go! You can add crushed nuts, spices like cinnamon or cayenne, natural almond essence, etc. You can also completely change the taste of your fondue by opting for a more cocoa-concentrated or flavored chocolate. For the more daring (adults), certain alcoholic drinks go perfectly with chocolate. Be careful to check the ingredients, if you want a completely vegan fondue.

Enjoy your food !

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