Cétogène. Keto. Recette cétogène. Sans sucre. Sorbet. Récupération musculaire. Anti-inflammatoire. Sport

Avocado-lime keto sorbet recipe

Creamy to perfection and delicately flavored with lime, this avocado-lime keto sorbet recipe contains a perfect balance of superfoods and nutrients promoting relaxation and recovery. This recipe contains the newest product of the Iron Vegan family, Rebound Recovery.

This product has been designed to promote muscle recovery after training. But, if you take a look at the ingredients, you will see that it's also ideal for anyone looking for calm and relaxation.

This summer, refresh yourself, but more importantly relax with this delicious sugar-free sorbet.

Ingredients for the avocado-lime keto sorbet recipe

Prep time : 20 minutes | Chill time : 4 hours | Serves : 1 litre

Instructions for the avocado-lime sorbet recipe

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender.

If you have an ice cream machine you can use it and follow the manufacturer instructions.

If you don't have an ice cream machine, transfer to a container, and place it in the freezer for about 4 hours. You can stir every 30 minutes to have a creamier texture.



Le produit Récupération et Rebond fait en. effet partie d’une gamme sportive, mais peut très bien être pris par quiconque pour ses bienfaits. Apport en antioxydants, favorise la détente et anti-inflammatoire. Vous pouvez le trouver en ligne et en magasin.


La Moisson

Svp pouvez vous m’expliquer qu’est-ce que cette ingrédient, " Récupération et Rebond, saveur tropicale pêche-mangue "


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