Aromavita 6 - Cold and cough Aromavita 6 - Cold and cough
Aromavita 6 - Cold and cough
Aromavita 6 - Cold and cough Aromavita 6 - Cold and cough
Aromavita 6 - Cold and cough
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Aromavita 6 - Cold and cough

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helps to guard against the rigors of winter and breathing more freely in case of cooling.

Most ETL infections of the winter period are caused by more resistant viruses than bacteria at very low temperatures. Thus, influenza, cold or angina are very common during this period. It is also infections vis-à-vis which classical medicine is poor because it can only consider limiting the symptoms associated with these diseases (fever, pains or inflammation of the throat).

Fortunately, some essential oils have the virtues of neutralizing the bacterial or viral origin causing the symptoms connected to colds or influenza. Eucalyptus radiata oil, for example, has a trio of molecules that can destroy respiratory viruses in record time. It strongly stimulates the body's natural defenses to mobilize against these infectious abuses.

The Eucalyptus Radiata oil does not fulfill the work alone. The oils of Cajeput and Marjolaine shells are also very useful in winter. They are integrated into the formula because of their terpene alcohol content and especially for Linalol in Cajeput and Thujanol for Marjolaine. These alcohols add additional antiseptic and antiviral properties to the mixture.

The aromavita 6 complex is a natural, but formidable weapon to prevent winter infections, but also to come quickly to the end as soon as the first signs of the infection manifest themselves. In addition, this pure mixture is extremely well tolerated by the skin and the mucous membranes, which makes it possible to use it in multiple conditions (nebulization, inhalation, friction on the pure body if the skin is not hypersensitive to essential oils and even the oral route is a useful complement of other routes of use).

Used in aromatherapy to help relieve cold and cough.

The aromavita of pranar? M are mixtures of 100% pure and natural clovering essential oils, intended to be mixed in a vegetable oil and applied on the skin in more or less supported massage.

Eucalyptus Radiata (Eucalyptus essential oil) (leaf) 30%, Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary essential oil) 20%, Melaleuca Cajuputi (Cajuput essential oil) (leaf) 20%, Origanum Majorana (Marjolaine Essential Oil) (conforming in bloom) 20%. Non-Medicinal Ingredients:Essential Oil of Eucalyptus Dives.

Instructions for use:

<18 years old):Local topical application:Add 1-4 drops to 5 ml neutral vegetable oil and apply on the thorax or wrists up to 3 times a day. Do not use undiluted essential oil.

Direct inhalation:Apply 1-6 drops of undiluted essential oil on a handkerchief and occasionally inhale up to 3 times a day.

For occasional use only. Do not use orally. Avoid all contact with the eyes and mucous membranes; If necessary, rinse abundantly with vegetable oil. Store at room temperature.

For use in a diffuser for essential oils:1-6 drops can be added non-diluted in the diffuser (ultrasonic, atmospheric).

Precautions and warnings:
Keep out of the reach of children. In case of accidental ingestion, request emergency medical care or call an antipoison center. If symptoms persist or worsens, consult a health care practitioner. If you suffer from epilepsy or asthma, consult a health care practitioner before making use of it. Avoid exposing areas treated in the sun.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use this product. If the skin is damaged, irritated or sensitive, do not use this product.

Known adverse reactions:
If nausea, dizziness, headaches, an allergic reaction manifest themselves, cease use.

Utilisé en aromathérapie pour aider à soulager le rhume et la touxComplexes d’huiles essentielles chémotypées 100% pures et naturelles

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Please note that La Moisson Supermarché Santé does not offer any medical advice to its customers. We invite you to consult a doctor in order to have a professional opinion before using this product. Results may vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee its effects. The results or statements mentioned are only indicative. This product does not cure disease and cannot at any time replace a medical prescription without the approval of a competent doctor or pharmacist. If you are already taking medication, have a specific health condition, are pregnant or have any other medical condition, please consult a healthcare practitioner before using this product.

La Moisson Supermarché Santé use pictograms to identify vegan, gluten-free and organic products on its website to improve your shopping experience on Note that they are displayed for informational purposes only, based on the information provided by the brand. In case of intolerence or allergy, please refer to the ingredients.