Céleri, celery, libido, sex drive, sexualité, désir sexuel, homme, male, testosterone, sexual desire, santé naturelle, produits naturels, alimentation saine

Celery, an aphrodisiac?

Celery to help improve your sex life? Find out how this fresh vegetable can satisfy more than just your appetite for food.

Celery owes its popularity mainly to its diuretic and hypotensive properties. Tender, crisp and juicy, it's very appreciated by Quebecers. But did you know that celery (branch, leaf and celeriac) can play an important role in your sex life?

The influence of Sele

Although many other veggies are way more popular and effective than celery when it comes to aphrodisiac foods, that doesn't mean we shouldn't consider it. Already its Latin name Selenon says a lot.

It's said that this plant, because of its name, would be under the influence of the lunar cycle. According to old mores, the moon, or Sele, had a great influence on life. Knowing the lunar powers, the Greeks and Romans used celery wisely to boost their libido and virility.

Testosterone, emblem of virility and masculinity

It's especially in men that we see the aphrodisiac virtues of celery. Certain components of celery help improve both the production and transport of testosterone. This hormone, symbol of virility and masculinity, is necessary for the maturation of the male reproductive system, the formation of muscle mass and general male hormonal balance.

In addition to an already hefty list of physiological tasks, testosterone also plays a major role in sexual desire, not only in men, but also in women (and yes, women too produce it naturally in small amounts). All in good balance, of course.

As with any aspect of health, balance must prevail. In the specific case of testosterone and sexual desire, an excess could very well have the opposite effect. Seeking a maximum production or intake, or even beyond the norm, could cause certain undesirable disorders such as erectile difficulty or a drop in libido. Remember, the dosage makes the poison, a brilliant and popular maxim in toxicology first mentioned by Paracelsus in the 16th century.

Nutrients to fuel desire

Let's get back to our main star, celery.

Your multivitamin and mineral in its most natural form

Celery is a source of many vitamins and minerals. In very general terms, its nutrients have an impact on overall health and well-being. Already, we are on the right track. After all, if you don't feel at your best, your libido will be low and you might as well postpone your kinky plans!

More specifically, celery provides iron, vitamin C and certain B vitamins. These nutrients have in common their tonic properties on the body. By toning your body with various nutrients, you allow it to produce more energy for everything, even for sex.

In addition to their energizing effect, iron and vitamins B5 and B3 are necessary for the production of testosterone by the body.

Zinc and selenium, essential for men's health

Celery is also a source of zinc and selenium, two minerals of great importance for human health.

Essential, zinc ensures the maintenance of prostate health. As for selenium, it acts positively on the survival of spermatozoa. In either case, libido may not be directly affected, but male fertility depends on these minerals.

Stimulating the master glands for better sex drive

Nutrients contained in celery have a positive action on the master glands of the body, the pituitary and the thyroid. The first governs the production of testosterone, while the second watches over the vitality of the body. In both cases, if they find themselves in a decline in functioning, we will probably see a decrease in libido as well.

Celery for relaxation of the body and mind

With its richness in calcium and magnesium, celery is very appreciated by the nervous system. These two minerals have a calming and soothing effect. While stress is the number one enemy of sex life, a relaxed nervous system will allow for better intimacy.

To implement healthy habits, once is not custom

For those who believe that consuming celery only the day before a date will turn you into an Apolon, think again! Although celery contains a host of beneficial nutrients, it's rather a routine consumption that will allow you to better benefit from its aphrodisiac virtues. But beware, this is not a panacea either.

If the idea of ​​increasing your consumption of celery doesn't turn you on that much, know that certain health supplements could also help you, including a multivitamin and mineral formula well suited to your needs.

In addition, to access better therapeutic value, know that many formulas are designed precisely to help you restore your balance, whether it's with stress management, lack of energy or fatigue, sexual desire or other.

The take away

  • Celery, like the vast majority of vegetables, must find a place of choice in your diet. It contributes to the maintenance of general good health.
  • More specifically, celery contains several vitamins and minerals that help maintain a healthy libido, but is not a miracle cure.
  • It's especially with healthy daily habits and a varied, well-balanced diet that you will have enough to walk around with your head held high!
  • Depending on your needs, some natural products may better meet your expectations. Discuss it with one of our naturopaths or your healthcare professional.

Daily life and routine can have a negative influence on libido. But did you know that orgasm is an excellent anti-stress? Check out our advice on the subject here!


Bonjour je m’appelle NLEMBELE LUMEKA Thomas j’habite à Kinshasa republic Democrat du Congo je suis gradué en science pharmaceutique félicitations pour cette recette. Je suis intéressé comment je peux mangé ça


tres bien

lisette DEPOTTER

En effet, la santé et le bien-être passent par l’assiette. Merci d’avoir lu et commenté cet article !

La Moisson

Après lecture de ce végétal,je comprends que l’alimentation est source de beaucoup de choses pour l’intérêt du corps humain.merci pour les recherches

Mwindo innocent

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