cheveux ternes et fragiles que faire ?

Dull and fragile hair, what to do?

Are you tired of having dull and fragile hair? What to do to have the hair of your dreams? Read on!

Anatomy and structure

First, you need to understand where and how your hair comes from.

Hair begins in the follicle, located between the deep dermis and the hypodermis. A venous system provides the nutrients necessary for their growth, such as the amino acids necessary for the formation of hair.

In addition to the 18 amino acids necessary for its formation, hair is also made up of 95% keratin, formed by the protein we consume.

Hair quality and quantity

There are several causes and risk factors that can influence the appearance of hair. It's up to you to take a look at your lifestyle and make improvements where possible.

The lifestyle

  • Tobacco
  • Undernourished diet, high in carbohydrates or leading to nutritional deficiencies
  • Chemical treatments on hair (coloring or permanents)
  • Poor stress management
  • Environmental pollution

Certain hormonal factors

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Thyroid
  • Menopause/Andropause
  • End of pregnancy and childbirth
  • Genetic
  • age

Other causes

  • Certain skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema)
  • Infections
  • Irritable bowel or other inflammatory bowel disease (often causes major deficiencies due to poor absorption)

The stress

Stress, whether physiological or psychological, risks increasing inflammation and reducing blood supply to your hair follicles. The result is an increase in the presence of toxins towards the scalp which can lead to hair loss.

Men are not immune

In men, hair loss could be due to excess androgenic hormones converted in the scalp. DHT, a hormone from testosterone and the more sensitive hair follicle receptors, prevents hair regrowth. The hormonal conversion process accelerates premature aging. An acceleration in the lifespan of the hair cycle causes fluffy hair to grow back. After a few years, no regrowth is possible and leaves your scalp bare.

Man or woman, the solution: Hair Food!

Your hair can reflect your general state of vitality. It is important to provide your body with the essential nutritional elements for beautiful hair.

Hair Food contributes to tissue and hair formation and helps the body metabolize macronutrients. It offers the necessary nutrients so that your hair is more abundant, radiant, and robust!

In each Hair Food capsule

The Hair Food formula contains the building blocks for not only dreamy hair, but also healthy skin and nails.

Cysteine ​​makes up the pigmentation of the skin. Collagen contributes to the elasticity of the skin. Keratin, a constituent of hair fibers, optimizes the strength and quality of hair.

Vitamins B5, B6 and B8 are essential for the constitution of nails, skin and hair.

Nettle, a plant with countless therapeutic uses, acts directly on skin imbalances, hair loss and acid-base balance.

The Alterra team

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