Comment améliorer votre santé vaginale ?

How to improve your vaginal health?

How to improve your vaginal health is a question that many women ask themselves. Let's try to answer it simply.

Studies show that approximately 75% of women will develop thrush or a vaginal yeast infection (Candida vulvovaginal) at least once in their life. Candida albicans (yeast) is the main cause of these infections. It is caused by dysbiosis, a condition occurring when there is an imbalance between good and bad bacteria. This dysbiosis can intensify in the presence of several factors. For example, a poor diet, stress and certain medications.

The composition of the vaginal microbiota

A healthy vaginal microbiota (or flora) should be composed mainly of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Together, they produce the bacterial species Lactobacillus. These friendly bacteria help maintain a low vaginal pH.

Lactobacillus bacteria and their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory products, combined with mucus from the vaginal wall, form a first line of defense. This proves effective against the invasion of pathogens, including bacterial vaginosis, air bacteria associated with vaginitis, viruses, fungi and protozoa.


The key to preventing infectious vaginal discomfort is to get to the root of the problem. Is it your diet? Your lifestyle? You also need to rebalance the different microbiota in your body. And yes, there are several! We have already raised the existence of the vaginal microbiota and you are probably familiar with the intestinal microbiota. But did you know that there is also one on the skin? Good bacteria must be present almost everywhere in our body to ensure its defense and balance.

How to rebalance the different microbiota in your body?

First, you will see an improvement by changing certain aspects of your diet and lifestyle. Then, support these changes by taking probiotics specific to your needs.

Flore Suprême vaginal support daily probiotics from Renew Life offer a supply of 50 billion live friendly bacteria to support the balance of the intestinal microbiota and general health. All this in just one small capsule per day!

The 50 billion bacteria are grouped into 9 strains, 7 of which are Lactobacillus. The 2 remaining strains are bifidobacteria. Important to note that the vegetable capsule is resistant to the acidity of the stomach in order to ensure its transport to the intestine.

Little additional tips

Do you suffer from Candida albicans? As mentioned, changes in your diet and lifestyle could be valuable to you. Here are some tips to help you improve your condition.

  • Cleanse your body with anti-fungal herbs. Several purification kits are available at La Moisson. If necessary, consult a naturopath in store to guide your choice.
  • Increase your dietary fiber intake to support elimination.
  • Adapt your diet so that it does not encourage Candida overgrowth. Reduce sugar. Opt for anti-inflammatory and probiotic foods. Increase your intake of proteins, fats and fermented foods.
  • Drink enough purified water.
  • Support your digestion by consuming alkaline and raw foods (depending on the season and your digestive capacity). Chew sufficiently before swallowing. If necessary, use digestive enzymes with heavier meals.
  • Help your immune system by improving lymph circulation. Exercise and deep breathing are two practices to prioritize.
  • Try to limit stress in your life. Walking, yoga, meditation, breathing, etc. can help you achieve this.

Original English text written by Caroline Farquhar RHN, EMP, BA freely translated by La Moisson for Renew Life. Do not replace the advice of a doctor or health professional. Always consult your medical team before making any changes, especially if you live with a specific medical condition or are taking medications.

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