Tout sur la santé des cheveux et des ongles

What you need to know about skin and hair health

During the winter, do you feel your skin and hair becoming dry, fragile and term? In the middle of a snowstorm, we hope for the arrival of summer to bring us back a radiant complexion and shiny hair. But as the hot season arrives, the sun in turn damages the skin and hair. There is no way out !

Rather than hoping for a change of season to improve the health of your skin, hair and nails, take matters into your own hands. The best way is, as always, to take care of your overall health.

With a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle and taking a few natural products to complement it all, you put the odds on your side to enjoy healthy skin, hair and nails. Of course, external care will give you a serious boost, but the fact remains that to aim for perfection at all levels, you have to check all the boxes of natural health.

Your body's intelligence

By taking care of your health from the inside and giving it everything it needs, you allow your body to be in perfect balance, each of your organs to function properly and all metabolic pathways to activate harmoniously.

And what does all this have to do with skin, hair and nails you will say? It's very simple, the body prioritizes. It will always favor the balance and proper functioning of each vital system even before considering the health of the skin, hair and nails. Brilliant, right? What's the point of having beautiful hair if nothing is going right inside?!

You are what you eat

A balanced diet is essential for your general health, but also for that of the skin, hair and nails. For example, vitamin C is needed to maintain collagen and skin elasticity. A vitamin B12 deficiency could cause thinning and dry hair. Too little zinc or biotin could harm the appearance of your hair and nails. I's therefore crucial to eat a wide variety of healthy and colorful foods every day and complement with some natural products.

Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids, or Omega 3, are often the subject of scientific studies. Researchers have long proven that Omega 3s help reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular health and participate in the development and proper functioning of the brain. In addition, they found that essential fatty acids help keep your skin and scalp healthy, as well as your hair and nails strong and shiny.

You can find essential fatty acids in varying amounts in oily fish, in certain seeds such as flax and chia and in seaweed. To ensure that you meet your needs adequately, an omega 3 supplement is a priority.

Vitamins, from A to Zinc

B complex vitamins

B complex vitamins contribute to the growth and overall appearance of hair. It's by allowing an acceleration of cell regeneration and by improving blood circulation that niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7) and cobalamin (B12) are essential.

B complex vitamins are found in varying proportions in many foods, including grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, eggs, meat, etc. Depending on your health and your needs, a healthy and balanced diet could allow you to consume enough. However, it's worth considering supplementing with B complex vitamins to ensure you get the full benefits.

Because the effectiveness of biotin is so recognized, it is important to consider it as well. Biotin taken as a supplement could prevent hair loss and limit hair thinning.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is very popular in the world of cosmetics. We look for it to take advantage of its recognized anti-aging effect. In fact, the market offers a multitude of skin care products having in its list of ingredients the famous vitamin E. While its effectiveness in topical application is not subject to debate, your skin can also benefit from it in its supplement form.

Vitamin E provides a powerful antioxidant action that prevents a multitude of age-related degenerative diseases. However, it's its positive impact on the skin that makes it so popular. Indeed, vitamin E helps prevent premature aging of the skin. In addition, it helps maintain a healthy lipid layer in the skin, conducive to maintaining optimal hydration.

Know that vitamins A and C also have an important antioxidant power and will help fight premature aging of the skin.


Silica is a nutrient-rich mineral that's naturally present in the human body. As is the case with many biological substances, silica tends to decrease considerably with age.

Silica helps maintain the health of all body tissues, including skin, hair and nails. It contributes to their elasticity, repair and cell renewal. In addition, it contributes to a healthy hydration of the skin and acts as an anti-inflammatory, perfect in case of skin imbalance.

It is possible to use foods to provide your silica intake. You will mainly find it in certain cereals, legumes and nuts. However, to benefit from a greater dose, you will have to turn to natural products.


Zinc is a very important mineral for health, mainly the immune system. As for hair and skin, zinc plays a crucial role in cell health. An adequate intake improves the appearance and strength of the hair and helps with better cell regeneration, therefore more effective healing of the skin.

Apart from supplements, zinc is found in meat, eggs, oysters and very little in wheat germ, sesame and pumpkin seeds.

And so much more...

This list, you guessed it, is not exhaustive. You will notice, for instance the absence of collagen which is not important, but essential for each and every tissue of your body, internal and external. Most nutrients will have a positive impact on the appearance and health of your skin, hair and nails. The goal is to aim for a variety of nutrients on a daily basis and complement with some quality supplements to allow your body to find its balance.

External aggressions

While you know what to provide your body for healthier looking skin and hair, you also need to think about protecting yourself from external aggressions. Overexposure to the sun, freezing temperatures, airborne toxins, chlorine in water, smoking and alcohol are all factors that can can throw off your dietary efforts.

These aggressors each have the power to cause a loss of elasticity and radiance in the skin and hair and to accelerate their aging. In fact, smoking is one of the most effective ways to cause premature aging of the skin. Exposure to cigarette smoke reduces collagen production and damages skin elasticity.

Patience is key

We live in a society focused on speed and immediacy. But the body works at its own pace. Hustling it is not an option, at least not a sustainable option. The effect of all your good care will not be immediate. Be patient, be diligent and consistent, and trust the process. Your actions will not go unnoticed and your body will take the opportunity to balance itself according to its priorities. Over time, you will notice that the appearance and health of your skin, hair and nails will improve.

4 tips for beautiful skin

In closing, here are 4 effective tips that will allow you to improve your efforts.

1. Cleanliness first

Make sure your face is always clean. Dust and perspiration tend to clog skin pores and cause irritation. Cleanse your face with the appropriate products every morning when you wake up and every evening before going to bed.

2. Exfoliation

Remove dead cells clogging your skin with an exfoliation routine. Leave an exfoliation glove in the shower to incorporate this essential habit into your routine. Apply a natural exfoliating product and gently scrub your skin following the instructions.

3. Hydration is key

It's important to moisturize your skin morning and night, especially after cleansing or exfoliation. Be sure to choose a moisturizer specifically formulated for the delicate skin of your face.

4. Water, water and more water

The body needs water. If your body lacks water, your skin will definitely feel the effects. The amount of water to consume daily varies greatly depending on age, body composition, physical activity, etc. Find out how much water you should be drinking everyday and adapt your consumption to your own needs.

What is your strategy for healthy hair, skin and nails? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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