Article sur la ménopause

Could it be menopause?

Every woman knows that menopause will occur one day. However, they do not know how it will begin to manifest itself in their lives. It is unfortunate that this universal experience is still shrouded in mystery for many of them. Menopause occurs when a woman has not had a period for twelve consecutive months. On the other hand, the manifestations of peri-menopause can appear up to ten years (or more) previously.

So, how do you know if you are entering peri-menopause?

The events are very varied and very individual. They evolve at different rates depending on each woman. As estrogen production declines in the body, various clues occur that may suggest that peri-menopause is approaching.

Here are 7 common manifestations:

Hot flashes

This is a common sign. It ranges from facial flushing to excessive sweating and lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes. Nocturnal hot flashes, or night sweats, can be particularly unpleasant and affect the quality of sleep.


With the gradual decline in ovarian secretion of estrogen and progesterone, which promotes sleep, it may become more difficult to fall asleep. Hot flashes and mood swings, two other manifestations of peri-menopause, can also disrupt sleep.

Mood swings

Mood swings associated with hormonal changes are often one of the first clues of peri-menopause. It is important for the woman to be aware of these changes and to seek help if necessary.


It is sometimes referred to as “crushing fatigue”. Some peri-menopausal (and menopausal) women may experience a sudden, overwhelming feeling of weakness and exhaustion as well as a drop in their energy levels. This may be due to a hormonal imbalance. However, lack of sleep caused by night sweats and insomnia can also be to blame!

Irregular periods

Before the rules stop, they are likely to change. As ovulation becomes irregular, menstrual cycles may become shorter or longer. The bleeding may be lighter or heavier. PMS symptoms may intensify. After a while, the periods will decrease. But since the endometrium is evacuated during the menstrual cycle and tends to proliferate in the absence of ovulation, menstruation can remain heavy.

Vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness can occur as you approach peri-menopause. Declining estrogen levels in the body can cause a decrease in tissue lubrication in the vagina. This inconvenience can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse and make a woman more vulnerable to urinary or vaginal infections.

Memory loss or “brain fog”

Many women experience occasional memory lapses or difficulty concentrating during peri-menopause. This effect on cognitive functions is due to fluctuating hormonal levels. This brain fog is usually only temporary. If it worries you, do not hesitate to consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Natural solutions

To help you get through your peri-menopausal period more peacefully, there are natural solutions. Sisu 's Meno Calm supplement, for example, offers a safe and natural way to alleviate the full range of menopause-related symptoms. Talk to a competent professional!

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