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Cashew plant-based cheese recipe

This cashew plant-based cheese recipe spreads perfectly on a cracker. A delicious starter or snack with just enough nutrition. It requires no fermentation, so is very quick and easy to make. The ideal alternative if you don't eat dairy products!

Ingredients for cashew fauxmage recipe

Preparation for cashew fauxmage recipe

Soak cashews for about 2 hours. Then drain well.

Place cashews, lemon juice, crushed garlic (to taste) and a little salt in a food processor.

Blend until smooth.

Place in a ramekin or shape into small balls. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. The fauxmage should firm up.

Coat with finely chopped parsley.

You can also replace the garlic with 1 tablespoon of pre-soaked dried cranberries for a completely different flavour.

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