Pain de viande individuel

Individual meatloaf

Individual meatloaf because it cooks not in a regular mold, but in small muffin molds! Simple to serve and above all simple to put in the lunch box.

Try this comforting fall recipe and be sure to serve it with Ketchup...meatloaf and Ketchup, a classic match!

Preparation and cooking: 25 minutes

Makes 11 muffins



Preheat the oven to 350°F and grease the muffin tins.

In a bowl, combine ground turkey, onion, egg, breadcrumbs and spices. Mix well.

Divide mixture into 1/4 cup portions (about 11 servings). Shape into balls and place them individually in the muffin molds.

Top each meatloaf with 1/2 tsp. at the Ketchup table.

Cook for about 15 minutes or until the meatloaves are completely cooked.

A recipe for Cuccina Antica

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