Taco végane au jackfruit

Vegan taco with jackfruit

The jackfruit is a large fruit that is frequently used in vegan cooking. Its fibrous texture makes it an excellent choice for stews or dishes made with plant based shredded meat.

The jackfruit is originally cultivated in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, where it's nicknamed Little Jack. This curious name certainly doesn't refer to its size since it's among the largest fruits on the planet.

Ripe, it is tender and has a rather sweet taste. However, it's when the fruit is not ripe that it makes a wonderful meat substitute. Indeed, its flesh is then fibrous, somewhat like chicken, and less sweet. Perfect for savory dishes!

The jackfruit is low in calories and contains virtually no fat. Per 100 g, it offers 15 g of carbohydrates and 4 g of fiber. The sad part is that you will only benefit from 1 g of protein. So you might want to consider a side dish that is higher in protein if you are using it as a substitute for meat.

This week, we offer you an easy taco recipe to discover or rediscover the jackfruit in a very friendly way! Try this vegan version of slow cooker taco 'meat'.

Serve this preparation in the all new Que Pasa taco shells. Gluten-free, vegan and organic, they will add crunch to your meal!

Quick tip, double up this preparation. It makes excellent leftovers for lunch the next day!


  • 10 oz Native Forest organic young jackfruit 
  • 1/2 cup wild rice, uncooked
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tsp ace seasoning 


Place all the ingredients in a slow cooker and cook on low for 4 hours.

Stir from time to time.

When finished cooking, turn off the slow cooker and let cool. Pour the mixture onto a large cutting board. Chop until you get the desired texture.

Reheat if desired before serving.

A recipe from Edward and Sons.


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