
L’arthrose, parlons-en!

Osteoarthritis, let’s talk about it!

Osteoarthritis is the main condition of the musculoskeletal system in our pets. It is also very common in the spine. It results in irreversible degradation of the articular cartilage and modifications of all the structures of the joint. Unlike arthritis, osteoarthritis is degenerative, but not in... Osteoarthritis is the main condition of the musculoskeletal system in our pets. It is also very common in the spine. It results in irreversible degradation of the articular cartilage and modifications of all the structures of the joint. Unlike art...
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Une rentrée scolaire tout en douceur

A smooth return to school

Back to school has already arrived! Young and old schoolchildren are preparing for the big start of the academic season which is starting again. For some, this return will be very gentle and, above all, calm. For others, however, the return causes stress in several forms. Even as parents, seeing ... Back to school has already arrived! Young and old schoolchildren are preparing for the big start of the academic season which is starting again. For some, this return will be very gentle and, above all, calm. For others, however, the return causes...
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MCT, trois lettres qui travaillent fort pour nous

MCT, three letters that work hard for us

Ketogenic, the new food trend If you're at all aware of food trends, you probably know that the trendy diet right now is ketogenic (or keto ). This diet advocates a normal to high value of proteins, a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of lipids. The goal of such a diet is to teach the body... Ketogenic, the new food trend If you're at all aware of food trends, you probably know that the trendy diet right now is ketogenic (or keto ). This diet advocates a normal to high value of proteins, a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of li...
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Des multivitamines respectueux de la nature

Nature-friendly multivitamins

Learn to consume differently This proposal for changing daily lifestyle habits is an integral part of societal discourse. It invites us to develop new ways of consuming with the aim of protecting our environment. These daily ecological actions (recycling, composting, organic cultivation, etc.) ... Learn to consume differently This proposal for changing daily lifestyle habits is an integral part of societal discourse. It invites us to develop new ways of consuming with the aim of protecting our environment. These daily ecological actions (...
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Des pousses pour vos mousses

Shoots for your moss

Are you one of those parents who care about the health and healthy development of their child? If yes, so much the better! If you're like me, your child is probably already tired of eating the traditional cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. And with good reason! Wouldn't you like to present him with... Are you one of those parents who care about the health and healthy development of their child? If yes, so much the better! If you're like me, your child is probably already tired of eating the traditional cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. And with ...
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Les cristaux de betterave rouge, l’alternative nutritive !

Beetroot crystals, the nutritious alternative!

Red beets, a root vegetable with multiple virtues Thanks to its numerous constituents, red beets are a great nutritional ally. These include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C and numerous antioxidants. But these nutritional values ​​are not the only coveted qualitie... Red beets, a root vegetable with multiple virtues Thanks to its numerous constituents, red beets are a great nutritional ally. These include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C and numerous antioxidants. But these nutr...
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Des plantes pour des jambes parfaites

Plants for perfect legs

Having perfect legs is often the concern of many women, especially as summer approaches. But perfect legs aren't just about looks. It's first and foremost a question of health. Indeed, even before the disturbing appearance of purplish veins on the surface of the skin, a blood circulation problem ... Having perfect legs is often the concern of many women, especially as summer approaches. But perfect legs aren't just about looks. It's first and foremost a question of health. Indeed, even before the disturbing appearance of purplish veins on the...
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Collagène, une cure de Jouvence

Collagen, a rejuvenation

With age, from the age of thirty, skin cells age, joints stiffen, muscle mass decreases, our body dries out, its tone weakens. But what is happening? It’s collagen synthesis that starts to decrease, so early! This decrease leads to drying, weakening and thinning of the skin and all soft tissues o... With age, from the age of thirty, skin cells age, joints stiffen, muscle mass decreases, our body dries out, its tone weakens. But what is happening? It’s collagen synthesis that starts to decrease, so early! This decrease leads to drying, weakeni...
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