
L’immunité à son meilleur

Immunity at its best

The immune system, our protector Our immune system is of paramount importance. It plays an extremely decisive role in maintaining our health. It is the one that protects our integrity throughout our lives. It does this by effectively fighting infections of all kinds. It still needs to be adequa... The immune system, our protector Our immune system is of paramount importance. It plays an extremely decisive role in maintaining our health. It is the one that protects our integrity throughout our lives. It does this by effectively fighting in...
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Du renfort en période de stress

Reinforcement in times of stress

Adrenal fatigue Stress weighs on you. You always feel tired or exhausted for no apparent reason. Your energy reserves are limited and you have difficulty finalizing the things you undertake. You are often overwhelmed and stressed by the demands of daily life. A little thing irritates or depress... Adrenal fatigue Stress weighs on you. You always feel tired or exhausted for no apparent reason. Your energy reserves are limited and you have difficulty finalizing the things you undertake. You are often overwhelmed and stressed by the demands ...
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Une rentrée scolaire tout en douceur

A smooth return to school

Back to school has already arrived! Young and old schoolchildren are preparing for the big start of the academic season which is starting again. For some, this return will be very gentle and, above all, calm. For others, however, the return causes stress in several forms. Even as parents, seeing ... Back to school has already arrived! Young and old schoolchildren are preparing for the big start of the academic season which is starting again. For some, this return will be very gentle and, above all, calm. For others, however, the return causes...
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MCT, trois lettres qui travaillent fort pour nous

MCT, three letters that work hard for us

Ketogenic, the new food trend If you're at all aware of food trends, you probably know that the trendy diet right now is ketogenic (or keto ). This diet advocates a normal to high value of proteins, a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of lipids. The goal of such a diet is to teach the body... Ketogenic, the new food trend If you're at all aware of food trends, you probably know that the trendy diet right now is ketogenic (or keto ). This diet advocates a normal to high value of proteins, a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of li...
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Un tonique fortifiant familial!

A family strengthening tonic!

It often happens that our energy level no longer seems to be sufficient to meet demand. Especially during the winter season. This is when Miviton tonic comes to your aid. Generally the first signs of this drop in vital energy appear quickly. Fatigue, exhaustion for no apparent reason, cold and fl... It often happens that our energy level no longer seems to be sufficient to meet demand. Especially during the winter season. This is when Miviton tonic comes to your aid. Generally the first signs of this drop in vital energy appear quickly. Fatig...
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Les superaliments à votre service

Superfoods at your service

We all know how demanding the hectic pace of today's busy life can be on our bodies. More and more people are multitasking and their stress is palpable. We spend most of our time at work. Then there are the domestic chores to do. We know how beneficial physical exercise is for our health, so ther... We all know how demanding the hectic pace of today's busy life can be on our bodies. More and more people are multitasking and their stress is palpable. We spend most of our time at work. Then there are the domestic chores to do. We know how benef...
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Un repas sur le pouce bonifié

An improved meal on the go

When to eat should be on the calendar Nowadays, for many people, eating must be part of a schedule. Indeed, this daily race against time often involves eating meals quickly or simplifying them. The contents of lunch depending on the time you get up. Lunch according to the time allocated between... When to eat should be on the calendar Nowadays, for many people, eating must be part of a schedule. Indeed, this daily race against time often involves eating meals quickly or simplifying them. The contents of lunch depending on the time you get...
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Assiette équilibrée pour famille occupée

Balanced plate for a busy family

The fall season is the season of colors, cool mornings and mild evenings. It’s also the season for cocooning and wool jackets. For many, fall is above all the return of school activities and leisure activities for children. For parents, it's the race against time and the accelerated routine that ... The fall season is the season of colors, cool mornings and mild evenings. It’s also the season for cocooning and wool jackets. For many, fall is above all the return of school activities and leisure activities for children. For parents, it's the r...
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