Comment produire son propre collagène

How to produce your own collagen?

How to produce your own collagen more efficiently? Collagen is already a protein produced systematically by our fibroblast cells. But sometimes this synthesis is simply not sufficient for various reasons. This is when collagen supplements are often used. But rather than consuming it, why not optimize its manufacturing?

The use of collagen by the body

If you are getting older, if you are less active, if you are looking for an effective solution for more beautiful skin, you have probably already been suggested adding collagen to your diet routine. And that’s not wrong!

From the twenties, the body begins to slow down its production of collagen. It is around the age of thirty that the first effects of this decline are seen. The skin is less and less firm, the hair and nails are more and more brittle, the bones and joints become fragile, etc. This is when we give our body a little boost by giving it what it struggles to produce, collagen.

Why consume it when you can produce it?

You probably know the expression “give him a fish, you feed him for a day, teach him to fish, you feed him forever.”. This is how BioSil works.

BioSil is not like any other collagen supplement. In fact, it's not a collagen supplement! Instead, BioSil gives your body what it needs to make its own collagen: choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid ( ch-OSA ).

By supporting fibroblasts, BioSil increases the procollagen marker in the blood with a view to the synthesis of new collagen. In doing so, our body ends up with collagen carrying its own DNA and not a supplement that is ultimately metabolized like any other food.

In addition, BioSil and its ch-OSA complex protect existing or newly produced collagen against degradation. Nobody likes waste. It's no different for your body!

A big plus for your joints

Your age, your activity level and several other factors have a definitive effect on your joints. No surprise there! The ch-OSA complex has an important structural connection with the glycosaminoglycan 2 network and decreases cartilage degradation promoting better joints.

Do you not consume animal products?

Typically, collagen comes from a bovine or marine source. As BioSil does not contain collagen, it also does not contain animal products. An ideal solution if you have chosen to eliminate animal products from your diet.

Efficacy demonstrated in clinic 1

The ch-OSA complex contained in BioSil has proven itself! It has been shown to be more than effective in activating the true collagen-producing cells, fibroblasts.

  • Thickens hair
  • Strengthens hair and nails
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increases skin elasticity
  • Promotes joint health
  • Anti-inflammatory action


1 This product has undergone rigorous double-blind, placebo-controlled trials for both safety and effectiveness.

2 The glycosaminoglycan network is mainly located in connective tissues and serves to preserve tissue moisture.

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