zoodle pesto dans un bol blanc

Keto spaghetti pesto recipe

Although spaghetti and other traditional pasta are completely banned from the ketogenic diet, that's no reason to deprive yourself of it! You just have to find a solution to reduce the glycemic total of the plate by modifying its components.

This spaghetti pesto recipe features a keto version and swapping the pasta for zucchini spirals and tomato sauce for a tasty mint pesto. Different, delicious and so much more nutritious!

Ingredients for Keto Spaghetti Pesto Recipe

  • 6 zucchini
  • 1 cup fresh mint leaves
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 2 tbsp feta cheese
  • The juice and zest of a small organic lemon (1/2 might be enough, depending on your taste)
  • salt and pepper

Preparation for Keto Spaghetti Pesto Recipe

Cut the zucchini into spirals. A word of advice, the larger the circumference of your zucchini, the longer the spirals will be.

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan, then sauté the zucchini spirals for 2 or 3 minutes to soften them slightly. Reserve.

Place the pesto ingredients in a food processor, then grind until coarsely chopped. Adjust seasoning and lemon to taste.

Add the pesto to the zucchini spirals. Reheat a little and serve to accompany your favorite meat or fish.

When serving, crumble some fresh feta for a more spicy flavor.

A recipe from Keto Santé Plus

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