
Comment l’acide hyaluronique peut-il aider vos yeux?

How can hyaluronic acid help your eyes?

Hyaluronic acid has recently been touted as one of the best treatments for aging skin and is often used as the main ingredient in a wide range of beauty products. However, its misleading name means that few people know about its inherent benefits for the eyes. That’s why my discussion today will ... Hyaluronic acid has recently been touted as one of the best treatments for aging skin and is often used as the main ingredient in a wide range of beauty products. However, its misleading name means that few people know about its inherent benefits ...
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Détox, réflexe santé de choix

Detox, the health reflex of choice

Detox is an increasingly popular practice. For what ? We realize that the harmful accumulation of toxins in the body is often the source of many discomforts and discomforts. By practicing a one-off detox treatment, we promote the elimination of these toxins. Which turns out to be a health reflex ... Detox is an increasingly popular practice. For what ? We realize that the harmful accumulation of toxins in the body is often the source of many discomforts and discomforts. By practicing a one-off detox treatment, we promote the elimination of th...
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L’inflammation chronique naît dans le ventre

Chronic inflammation begins in the belly

Chronic inflammation is the cause of many daily ailments for many people. While we are giving more and more importance to the intestinal sphere, did you know that the state of your intestine could be the starting point of some of your symptoms? It all happens in the gut There is a strong link... Chronic inflammation is the cause of many daily ailments for many people. While we are giving more and more importance to the intestinal sphere, did you know that the state of your intestine could be the starting point of some of your symptoms? ...
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Le stress, ce mal du siècle

Stress, this evil of the century

These days, who doesn't experience stress? Combining the good old metro-work-sleep, family life, transporting children, a little leisure and trying to eat healthily has become the daily life of far too many people. As a result, at the beginning you feel all-powerful, like a superhero thinking you... These days, who doesn't experience stress? Combining the good old metro-work-sleep, family life, transporting children, a little leisure and trying to eat healthily has become the daily life of far too many people. As a result, at the beginning yo...
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L’évolution de l’agriculture

The evolution of agriculture

The agriculture of the first humans has evolved greatly until today. She has seen many transformations forced by changing conditions of population, environment, economy, etc. To liven up a discussion during a family dinner or between friends, talking about organic matter is given the same statu... The agriculture of the first humans has evolved greatly until today. She has seen many transformations forced by changing conditions of population, environment, economy, etc. To liven up a discussion during a family dinner or between friends, ta...
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La détox du corps, c’est nécessaire !

Body detox is necessary!

The subject of detox and purification of one's body comes up regularly. Especially in spring and fall. Take care of your body. Do active prevention. Don't wait until you're sick before doing something. These are all greatly beneficial actions to maintain good health and it is everyone's responsib... The subject of detox and purification of one's body comes up regularly. Especially in spring and fall. Take care of your body. Do active prevention. Don't wait until you're sick before doing something. These are all greatly beneficial actions to m...
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Nitrates, toxiques ou pas ?

Nitrates, toxic or not?

For various reasons, soils and groundwater contain a certain amount of nitrates 1 . These are natural chemical compounds. So why make a big deal about it when we find them on our plate? Where is the line between harmless and toxic? Plants naturally rich in nitrates Among the list of plants na... For various reasons, soils and groundwater contain a certain amount of nitrates 1 . These are natural chemical compounds. So why make a big deal about it when we find them on our plate? Where is the line between harmless and toxic? Plants natura...
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Puissantes lacto-fermentations

Powerful lacto-fermentations

Consuming fermented foods, such as lacto-fermentations, on a daily basis is an excellent way to take care of your microbiota. Indeed, the choice of foods we consume greatly influences the bacterial diversity of our body. It is first of all in its bacterial diversity that our microbiota finds its ... Consuming fermented foods, such as lacto-fermentations, on a daily basis is an excellent way to take care of your microbiota. Indeed, the choice of foods we consume greatly influences the bacterial diversity of our body. It is first of all in its ...
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