
Une pratique ancestrale pour mieux dormir

An ancestral practice to sleep better

Ancestral experience has made it possible to acquire therapeutic knowledge concerning plants. These often reveal pleasant surprises to us. The California poppy is definitely one of these great finds. A late night plant The California poppy is a plant once used by Native Americans. It served... Ancestral experience has made it possible to acquire therapeutic knowledge concerning plants. These often reveal pleasant surprises to us. The California poppy is definitely one of these great finds. A late night plant The California poppy i...
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Stress chronique et « adaptogène »

Chronic and “adaptogenic” stress

Requirements for efficiency, productivity, profitability The industrialized society in which we live is associated with a high level of daily stress among the majority of individuals. The inability to effectively adapt to this chronic stress increases the predisposition to the development of se... Requirements for efficiency, productivity, profitability The industrialized society in which we live is associated with a high level of daily stress among the majority of individuals. The inability to effectively adapt to this chronic stress inc...
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Des omégas 3 canadiens de poissons ou d’algues

Canadian omega 3 from fish or algae

Consumption of omega 3 is essential for balanced health. It is a fact ! Our body does not know how to produce them. Fortunately, omega 3 food supplements exist. They provide a great service, both to those who experience certain symptoms such as inflammation and mood disorders, and to those who ... Consumption of omega 3 is essential for balanced health. It is a fact ! Our body does not know how to produce them. Fortunately, omega 3 food supplements exist. They provide a great service, both to those who experience certain symptoms such as ...
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Avant que le stress vous rende malade…

Before stress makes you sick...

Stress, in small doses, is important And yes ! Stress is a normal adaptive response to the constraints and demands we experience. It's a phenomenon essential to our “animal” survival. It promotes the improvement of our capacities for resistance, adaptation or resilience towards external aggress... Stress, in small doses, is important And yes ! Stress is a normal adaptive response to the constraints and demands we experience. It's a phenomenon essential to our “animal” survival. It promotes the improvement of our capacities for resistance,...
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Du collagène pour notre santé

Collagen for our health

Collagen. This is a natural supplement that has been getting a lot of attention for some time. But what is collagen? It is the most abundant structural protein in our body. It makes up the fabric of all our tissues: skin, organs, bones, etc. Declining from 30 years old The synthesis of this... Collagen. This is a natural supplement that has been getting a lot of attention for some time. But what is collagen? It is the most abundant structural protein in our body. It makes up the fabric of all our tissues: skin, organs, bones, etc. D...
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L’univers digestif du corps

The digestive universe of the body

The human body is a highly efficient and perfect universe. A galaxy in everything that surrounds us and affects us. Knowledge of this universe is health. Maintenance, stimulation and regular evacuation of toxins are essential for an optimal state of body and mind. Everything it needs is in our ... The human body is a highly efficient and perfect universe. A galaxy in everything that surrounds us and affects us. Knowledge of this universe is health. Maintenance, stimulation and regular evacuation of toxins are essential for an optimal stat...
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Les plantes adaptogènes fermentées

Fermented adaptogenic plants

Adaptation is a need that affects more and more people in our society. Honestly, who can claim not to be affected by stress? Adaptation thanks to plants Of course, nature has provided many plants to support us in our needs. Four of them deserve to be highlighted: Rhodiola: it promotes per... Adaptation is a need that affects more and more people in our society. Honestly, who can claim not to be affected by stress? Adaptation thanks to plants Of course, nature has provided many plants to support us in our needs. Four of them deserv...
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La grande sphère d’activités du Complexe B

The large sphere of activities of Complex B

We often hear about the importance of magnesium supplementation since this mineral is involved in more than 300 reactions in the body. Did you know that B complex vitamins are just as important? B complex: essential for the healthy functioning of the body In fact, B complex vitamins participa... We often hear about the importance of magnesium supplementation since this mineral is involved in more than 300 reactions in the body. Did you know that B complex vitamins are just as important? B complex: essential for the healthy functioning o...
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