
Dormez plus, stressez moins… Naturellement !

Sleep more, stress less… Naturally!

Stress and sleep problems are two common symptoms of modern life noted far too often during my consultations. Many factors can influence them, including: a hectic pace of life age/hormones nutrient deficiencies addiction to stimulants (coffee, etc.) chronic inflammation i... Stress and sleep problems are two common symptoms of modern life noted far too often during my consultations. Many factors can influence them, including: a hectic pace of life age/hormones nutrient deficiencies addiction to st...
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Les suppléments, comment s’y retrouver ?

How to find supplements?

New to the world of supplements? Would you like to take supplements, but don't know where to start? This is where it starts! First of all, you should know that we don't like complicated things. We believe that to live well and feel well, you need to eat plenty of fresh, whole foods and move aro... New to the world of supplements? Would you like to take supplements, but don't know where to start? This is where it starts! First of all, you should know that we don't like complicated things. We believe that to live well and feel well, you nee...
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Clémentine, la chérie de l’hiver

Clementine, winter's darling

Children and adults wait for it when the cold weather arrives for its tender, sweet and juicy flesh. But the clementine contains much more inside its peel. And yes! Rich in vitamin C, it is no coincidence that it is so popular during the cold season. What we should know about clementine A per... Children and adults wait for it when the cold weather arrives for its tender, sweet and juicy flesh. But the clementine contains much more inside its peel. And yes! Rich in vitamin C, it is no coincidence that it is so popular during the cold seas...
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Profiter des repas des fêtes sans inconforts digestifs

Enjoy holiday meals without digestive discomfort

With the holiday season approaching, we're going all out to prepare big meals and eat for pleasure. We tend to indulge in more excess than at any other time of the year. However, the anticipation of large meals and the feelings of post-meal fatigue, digestive sluggishness and bloating can make yo... With the holiday season approaching, we're going all out to prepare big meals and eat for pleasure. We tend to indulge in more excess than at any other time of the year. However, the anticipation of large meals and the feelings of post-meal fatigu...
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Cocktail amer pour vos lendemains de veille

Bitter cocktail for your morning after

Joy, pleasure and… excess! The holiday season brings its share of excess. Fatty foods, indigestible food combinations, gourmet desserts, alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, etc. Added to this is the stress of our daily lives! Phew! So obviously, at this rate, our digestive organs cannot keep up.... Joy, pleasure and… excess! The holiday season brings its share of excess. Fatty foods, indigestible food combinations, gourmet desserts, alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, etc. Added to this is the stress of our daily lives! Phew! So obviously, ...
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Affronter la saison des rhumes et grippes

Face the cold and flu season

We generally have a season that we prefer above all others. Some prefer long, warm summer days, while others give preference to the icy beauty of a winter evening. You may love spring, the season of renewal, or fall with flavors of pumpkin and spice. Whatever season appeals to you the most, chanc... We generally have a season that we prefer above all others. Some prefer long, warm summer days, while others give preference to the icy beauty of a winter evening. You may love spring, the season of renewal, or fall with flavors of pumpkin and spi...
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Et si on renouait avec l’amertume ?

What if we reconnected with bitterness?

With the return of cold weather, we tend to eat hotter. Our bitter vegetable salads therefore take the side to the detriment of our digestive functions. The waterfall of bitterness Indeed, the detection of bitterness on the tongue triggers a cascade of digestive secretions. First, the stomach... With the return of cold weather, we tend to eat hotter. Our bitter vegetable salads therefore take the side to the detriment of our digestive functions. The waterfall of bitterness Indeed, the detection of bitterness on the tongue triggers a c...
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La base de l’immunité : pré et probiotiques

The basis of immunity: pre and probiotics

In these very demanding times, to maintain health we must do everything possible to give ourselves the best conditions to face these new challenges. Did you know that 75 to 80% of the immune system is found in the intestines and that their bacterial balance plays a very important role in our... In these very demanding times, to maintain health we must do everything possible to give ourselves the best conditions to face these new challenges. Did you know that 75 to 80% of the immune system is found in the intestines and that their ba...
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